Chapter 17- Trapped

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[Miranda's POV]

After waking up every so often to change Robert's bandage (and to tell him to shut up), I was utterly exhausted. Kettle Boy seemed to find this incredibly amusing.

"Oh gosh, who would've ever thought that the queen of Arcadia would be taking care of me." He sneered.

"Shut it, Kettle Boy! One word while I'm trying to sleep and you're dead." I warn as I kicked him off the bed.

"But I thought I was taking the bed!" He whined.

"Nope, it's mine." I insist.

"But I have an injury." Robert pouted.

"Well, you'll have two injuries if you don't shut up." I mumble as I fell asleep.

Hours later, I woke up to feel something bumping up and down under me. As I rubbed my eyes...

"Holy Mother of cow! Robert! We've been kidnapped!" I say to the snoring Kettle Boy next to me.

"Uhh what? Huh? Where are we? Why are we in the back of a carriage?" He stuttered.

"Shhhhh!!! Shut up!" I whisper, but it's too late. A bulky man walked into the carriage. Robbers.

"Ahh.... I see that you lovebirds have woken up." He cackles. Lovebirds? LOVEBIRDS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

"Actually, lovebirds are actually really small, they have flat beaks and belong to the parakeet family..... HEY! That's my bag!" I was going to rant on about the lovebird species before I realised that the man was holding my satchel.

"Haha! It's mine now! Let's see what we have here..." he started to rummage through my bag.  I glared it him with a look as dark as his soul.

"Give. It. Back." I mutter from gritted teeth.

"Haha, nice try! Oh, I almost forgot! The boss said I needed to tie you up!" The man grinned stupidly as he reached for some rope. I puffed up every single part of my body, hoping to seem larger as he bound my wrists together. After dropping my satchel on the floor, purposing 2 inches out of reach, he walked away with a stupid grin.

I proceeded to suck my breath in, deflating myself. The ropes became looser, and I managed to wriggle out of the tight ropes, snatching my satchels, I untied Robert as we looked out of the running carriage.

"Three, two, one... JUMP!" I whispered as we leapt out of the door into the dry, grassy plains...

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