Chapter 12- Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

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Author's note: Hi guys! I decided to do something different this chapter and write it in Robert's point of view! Enjoy!


Miranda insisted that we travel through half the night, and of course I had to agree. I mean, being decapitated on the spot was not exactly I want to achieve. After 4 hours of walking through the jungle, the trees were noticeably drier. However, my back and ankle hurt so much, I might actually enjoy decapitation!

I plonked my back side down onto the dirt as Miranda consulted the map. Finally, some time to catch up on sleep. I was dozing off when I received a box on the ears.

"Get up! We already wasted enough time with your shenanigans!" She screeched. I looked at her, she was incredibly pale and looked like a mess. She was the spitting image of an ghost.

"What're you staring at?" She demanded.

"Oh you know, just looking at your messy hair, terribly baggy eyes...OW!" I winced in pain as Miranda whipped me the back of my hands with a thin vine. She really was merciless! Well, excuse me for being honest. I huffed as we walked along the dry jungle.

"Oh no! We have to cross a desert to go to Hyperborea!" Miranda muttered. Excuse me? DESERT? DESERT????????

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Are you sure it's not a 'dessert'?" I ask, earning a death stare from Miranda. She nodded grimly and pointed at the map. Borelia Desert. With one 's' unfortunately , not two. Wait.....

"Borelia Desert? As in the driest desert known to mankind? THERE AREN'T EVEN ANY PEOPLE LIVING THERE!! Let me see the map." I said, snatching it off her. But it was true. I groaned at the thought of going through a desert. Miranda was already filling our 5 water bottles with water. To me: it would be a miraculous if we even made it 1/4 of the way through the desert. Survival chances: VERY LOW.

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