Chapter 27- Sailing the Deadly Waters

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Days later, the river we were following soon lead us to the ocean. I watched the choppy waves rumbling over the water. How were we supposed to cross this? I was still stressing about this when I saw a medium sized ship in the distance. It was empty and still seemed to be in good shape...

Dragging Kettle Boy behind me, I discovered that it was much larger close up

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Dragging Kettle Boy behind me, I discovered that it was much larger close up. It was early dawn and we could probably get away with stealing this ship.... after all it was for a good cause. (Author's note: stealing is a horrible thing to do and should probably only be done in life-or-death situations, if none at all. I have only included stealing as part of the story.)

"Come on!" I whisper, as I untied the rope that connected the boat to the pier. I threw the satchels onto the ship and pushed the boat into the water, before jumping on myself. Unfortunately, neither of us knew how to sail a ship but I did manage to find a book about sailing in one of the spare trunks. After reading the instructions carefully, I managed to work the boat half-decently and soon we were on our merry way to save Arcadia.

Actually, it was way harder than that. The page informing us on how to work the sails was ripped out. There was no instructions to even drive the ship! All the book provided was that in case of emergency, we were to jump onto the side raft attached to the edge of the ship. Helpful, huh? Soon dawn was coming and I was getting desperate. We were only around 50m away from shore!

"You know what? I'll just wing it. This book is absolutely useless unless you know how to sail a boat like an expert." I sighed, at least I knew the general direction we were going in. There was a steady wind gathering so I ordered Robert the sail thingys (I later learnt that the correct terminology was 'hoist the sails'). The breeze propelled the boat forward and soon, the pier where we got the boat from was just a small dot in the distance.

Unfortunately for us, the waves were starting to build up and the ship was bouncing unsteadily on the growing waves. Luckily for me, I rarely ever got seasick so I managed to not puke. However, this was not the case for Kettle Boy as every wave got bigger, his face seemed to turn greener. It wasn't long till he was sticking his head overboard and vomiting. Gross...

Once again, evening fell and Robert finally managed to control his puking. However, the waves wouldn't let up as a storm above us was brewing. The waves lashed my cheeks, stinging them with the cold ocean water. I shivered and grabbed one of my spared cloaks.

"I think you should go downstairs to sleep. I'll continue sailing for a few hours and we'll change shifts." I suggested, pointing to the small room downstairs that contained one bed and some barrels for storage. The previous owners had kept clementine mandarins in them, which would come in handy if we ever caught a case of scurvy.

After an uneventful night, I decided to put the anchor down and kick Robert out of the bed so I could sleep.

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