Chapter 34- A Dark Secret

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[Robert's POV]

I honestly do not understand what is up with girls. Are they all bipolar or something? One minute they're crying because they think you're dead and then BAM! They're practically about to commit bloody murder. Or is that just that case for Miranda? Mallory was extremely apologetic when she said she didn't have an extra mattress for me to stay the night. So guess who's lucky enough to sleep on the cold stone floor? Me, of course.

I sighed as I tossed and turned on the cold ground. The 2 layers of blankets I put under me are not helping me at all. Suddenly guilt washed over me. There was a dark secret I kept, a secret that Miranda mustn't know. And I was going to do everything in my power to keep it that way.

[flashback begins]

"You, lad! What's your name? Robert, I think it was." Boomed a deep voice.

"Yes, Sir Austin?"

"I have heard that you've recently complained about your...wages?" The dark shadow of Sir Austin loomed closer as he leaned forward.

"Y-yes, sir."

" dear friend... today's your lucky day!"

"How so, s-Sir?" Whispered the scrawny but strong boy.

"Here's the deal:you bring me a girl, I give you the cash." The large Rebel proposed, clasping his hands together.

"A...girl?" Questioned the young Rebel tax-collector.

"Yes...this girl is very important to the society. Now, you must accompany her on a journey where she will meet her doom..." Sir Austin hissed, leaning forward to whisper into Robert's ear.

"Alright sir, I'll do it."

[flashback ends]

I had to finish my mission, to lure Miranda to her doom. I needed that pay raise to survive. Yet, I have saved her life numerous times. I don't know why I did it, there's just something about Miranda that stops me from killing her. I looked up at the sleeping shadow above me. No, I couldn't do it. I couldn't end an innocent life.

I'm sorry, Sir Austin. It looks like I wouldn't be getting this pay raise after all. Queen Miranda deserves to get her country back, and I was going to help her.

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