Chapter 14-Sanity Deprived

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Travelling in the Borelia Desert means sacrificing an awful lot. And one of those things was my sanity. And having Robert around just made matters 10000 times worse than they already were.

It was the second week surviving in the dry climate of the Borelia Desert. Our food and water supplies were running low. I had to think of a plan before we literally burn into crisps. Surprisingly, my skin remained the same pale shade while Robert tanned considerably. I guess it was the long sleeves that did the job.

It was a rather cloudy day and Robert kept muttering something about water. I was thirsty too. The I saw something in the distance. Was it.... an oasis?!?!?

"Robert! Look! Water!" I rasped with joy as we eagerly trudged towards the puddle of water. Yes! Finally! WATER!!! My kidneys were screaming for hydration and my head hurt terribly. We kept walking and walking but the oasis seemed to be moving away. I shook my head. No, I was hallucinating. But yet, when I looked ahead I saw the oasis, almost in reach, taunting us.

After a while, insanity took hold of me. WHY WAS THERE NO WATER?!?! I NEEDED...... water. I started to cry childishly. I WANT WATER! Every single internal organ was begging me for water, for anything that could provide hydration. Through my tears, I could see Robert sobbing as well. Must...get...water.... The world was shrouded in darkness as I fainted.

I woke up to something hitting my cheeks. RAIN!!!! I sat up with joy and punched Robert awake. FINALLY!!!!! The rain started to pour as I grabbed the empty water bottles and put them in the rain. I opened my mouth to finally taste water run down my parched throat. Robert was too busy being stupid and dancing in rain. But I was too happy to waste my time yelling at him.

"Thank you, Mother." I whispered. My prayers were finally answered.

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