Chapter 6- Escape...?

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I woke up in a shabby cottage and rubbed my eyes. Robert was still knocked-out next to me. What happened flowed back to me. I kicked Robert and he opened his eyes slowly. His eyes widened as he realised what was going on.

'We have to get out of here!" I whispered and he nodded quickly.

Just then, right on queue, a tough-looking skinhead Rebel walked in. We cowered in fear against the old furniture and pretended to be sleeping. He looked at us once and sat down on an ancient chair, that creaked grumpily under his heavy weight.

"Ughh.... The other guys left me alone here to guard 2 daft idiots while they return to the city pub." He mumbled angrily as he found some liquor bottles and started chugging them down like there was no tomorrow. I tried not to grin, we'd just have to wait till he was knocked-out by the alcohol and then make our escape. Then a thought went into my head: what if it was a trick? A lie to make us escape and then get tied back up? I decided to wait till he was drunk. A drunk mouth was a honest mouth. Just then, a massive middle aged woodcutter barged into the small cottage. Robert and I looked on behind the sofa.

"YOU! WHY ARE YOU IN ME HOUSE?!?!?! GET OUT!!!!!!!!" He yelled as he practically flung the drunken Rebel out of the house. After that job was done, he walked to our hiding place.

"Yer can come out now." He said as he cut our ropes off, "Me name's Axel."

"Er, hi. My mother sent us here." I said uncertainly, feeling like an idiot. Axel sensed my unease and led us to another room, giving Robert a threatening look to stay where he was.

"So... who's yer mother?" He questioned.

"Mary-Anne." I said cautiously.

"Oh my! You must be Princess Miranda! I knew you looked familiar! I was at your birthday celebration, I was one of the King's guards!" He said gleefully.

"No...I'm Queen Miranda now. Mother died a few months ago." I mumbled, feeling the tears threatening to spill.

"Ahh... right. I remember the day the Rebels came. I tried to lead you and your mother to safety. Except we got separated and well, you know what happened." Axel said with a grim look.

"Yes, she told me to come here in a dream." I murmured.

"Right, well the rest of us will be pleased to see you again."

"Res- rest of you?" I stuttered as hundred's of men started filing into the room.

"Yes, we were all once you're fathers men. Now we are yours." Axel mumbled as everyone got on their knees. I felt the lump in my throat growing as I started to sob. In the corner of my eye, I saw Robert kneeling as well.

"Ahh.. my father was the Earl of something. I think that means I have to bow down too right?" He explained sheepishly.

"Just get up, your embarrassing yourself." I rolled my eyes.

"All right! Men, OUR QUEEN IS STILL ALIVE! ARCADIA IS BACK!" Axel roared above the noise. I smiled proudly. Time for revenge, Rebels beware!

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