THANK YOU!!!! (Bonus oneshot)

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Anyways, here's a bonus one shot.

[Miranda's POV]

I turned away from masses of federal taxes, throwing the papers onto my desk as I heard the door open. Robert slipped through the door awkwardly, holding something behind his back.

"What do you want?" I slitted my eyes in suspicion. Booger boy trotted over towards me nervously. Sighing in disgust, I looked back down at the country's finances.

"So...if I decrease tax for this province over here," I stuck my finger onto the map of Arcadia, "and increase the tax by %5 over here......oh god, I haven't considered the economic inflation. Alright, so if I take into account the 20% inflation that's going to happen in the next 20 years...."

"Umm....Miranda?" Robert peeped from behind me.

"Hmm? Anyways Robert, what do you think we should invest in next? I heard the value of coal is increasing....if I put a 20 million dollar investment into Borelia's coal mine, we should be getting back 60% more profit in the span of 5 years..." I squinted down at the papers.

"I think that's a great idea. But, I've been meaning to tell you something." I heard Robert say from behind me.

"Oh hush! I'm trying to calculate our national debt over if I add this to the money we owe- oh screw this! Robert, call the court accountant and financial advisor in. I can't to all this math."

"Miranda? I uhh...."

"Seriously? What are you standing here and babbling for? Do I need to call the financial advisor in myself?" I looked up impatiently. Robert was nowhere to be seen....I looked back down again.

"Miranda? Down here." A voice from below squeaked, I looked down to see Robert on one knee.

"What now? Stomach cramps, or what? If you're feeling ill, then too bad. I don't have time anymore to treat your ailments. Get the royal physician or something." I disregarded his presence.

"Yeah no, I er-" Robert insisted.

"No stomach cramps? Then what you are here for? Speak up will you?" I continued to analyse the paperwork in front of me.

"Can you just look over here for a second?" Booger Boy asked.

"FINE!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT??" I whipped around to face him.

"Look Miranda, after all we've been through; I've realised that I really like you. You're really smart, and talented and....I think I'm in love with you. Miranda Devereaux, will you make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me?" He said smoothly in one breath, looking at me adoringly.

Yeah, no. That did not happen. What REALLY came out of his mouth was...

"Miranda, look. After, ummm..... we've been through, I er....really realise like you? You're in love and talented and Love I am with you....I'm the happiest, Miranda. Marry you? I mean, me? Oh god, that was terrible, let me restart. Miranda been through...really like you I realised. Smart and talented you are and I'm in love I think? Um....happiest man on Earth make me marry you? Er......" Robert held up some very dead-looking roses.

"Er....did you just?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Marry me?" He peeped in embarrassment.

"...the ring?" I deadpanned.

"Oh crap! The ring.....the ring....the ring....oh my god. I swear it was in my pocket." He fumbled around anxiously. I pointed at the floor where the ring had fallen out.

"Oh here it is..." he held up the ring along with the dead flowers.

"Are you alright?" I looked at his ears that were bright red.

"Marry me?" He asked again. I looked down at his desperate face.

"Yeah, why not?" I shrugged my shoulders casually. Robert's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really?" He beamed.

"Yeah." I stifled a chuckle with the back of my hand.

"YESSS!!!!" Robert pumped the air in happiness and tried to lean in for a kiss.

"Yeah, no. Your breath stinks." I shoved his face away.

"Ahhh you want me to chew on some mints or....?" He started fumbling for his pockets again.

"No, I have more important stuff to do." I muttered absentmindedly, looking back down at my desk.

"Oh...I guess I'll let you work then." Robert headed for the door.

"WAITTT!!! COME BACK HERE!!! YOU THINK YOU CAN LEAVE WITH THE RING,HUH?" I yelled after him. Robert turned back around awkwardly.

"Here." I stuck out my hand, not bothering to look up. Booger Boy slipped it on my finger and hurried towards the exit again

"Close the door on your way out and call in the accountant and financial advisor will you? How many times do I need to tell you?" I called after him.

"Right, sorry."

I shook my head in amusement and looked at the diamond ring that was gleaming on my finger. It was way tooo loose. Geez, he could've at least got my ring size. I shook the ring off and left it on the table.

What a weirdo that guy is.

A/N: hoped you liked it! Ciao!!!! If you're interested, please check out my other works!

SassyRoyal xx

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