Chapter Four

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~ I give it all to you, letting go of me~Reaching as I fall~I know it's already over now~Nothing left to lose, loving you again~I know it's already over, already over now~My best defense, running from you~I can't resist, take all you want from me~Breaking slowly~                                                                                         

                                                                                      ~Already Over, Red, End of Silence

                                                                                                                                       1: 56 P. M.

                                                                                                                         January 19, 2012  


                                                                                   I gasped as Fabrico strike me in the shoulder and I tumbled back. I wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come. What was with Fabrico? What happened to my once peaceful world? Why has this had to happen to me?

"Watch out, Emigda!"

I blinked at the sound of Shadye's voice and looked to see Fabrico flying through the air, landing on his back. He gasped and his eyes widen. I turned to Shadye and saw his whole body glowing, his eyes were full of fury and hatred. "You touch her and I'll kill you!" he exclaimed and I stared at him, falling to my knees. What happened? How is this possible? 

"Shadye..." I managed to get out and he turned back to me. "Emigda, we have to go now before he gets back up." he said and grabbed my hands, pulling me up and started running like when we first meet, "That guy shouldn't have attacked you. He could have hurt you." I stared at his hand then pulled it through, releasing his grasp and fell to the floor. "No." I said and started breathing harder. My head started pounding against my skull and I bite my lip, trying to ignore the searing pain. 

"Halfings should behave and die."

Pain soured in my head and I screamed. I couldn't hold it back and I felt someone slowly walk to me. "Emigda run! Run! You gotta run before he touches you!" Shadye exclaimed and my whole body was shaking in fear, I couldn't stop screaming until I turned to the person seeing the masked man. "You..." I begin and reach up to his mask, trying to get it off. "Halfing, you shall not see my face until you die." he said and pulled out a dagger, aiming it at my heart.

"You shouldn't hurt Emigda then you'll hurt the Prophet."

He stopped right above my heart and stared at me with wide eyes. I smiled at him and he backed away from me. "What the hell, Halfing? You can not be the Prophet. She died a long time ago." he said and my vision started to dance with black spots. "Get up and start running, Emigda. He's Aura is very powerful right now and others are coming." a voice said in my head and I got up, running away, Shadye followed me close behind. I could hear the masked man's footsteps and I breathed hard. 

"I'll help you out, Emigda." the voice said and my hand started glowing, a circle appeared on it and I blinked. Russian started to fill the outer circle and another circle and symbols appeared on it. I blinked then stopped, tripping over my own feet and my hand slammed down on the wooden panels. 

The Abyss: Book Two of the Dark WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now