5. Am I a Mad Hatter?

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There were a couple times during my trek following the river, before I found the village, that I had toyed with the idea of insanity. Perhaps I wasn't actually on a different world or in an alternate dimension...maybe my mother had really driven me insane and I was now in some institute experiencing a fantasy. I had discarded that notion, because really....who wouldn't at least give themselves modern plumbing in fantasyland.

Now that possibility came rushing back because before me hovering over the water was a genuine spaceship. Smooth and shiny, sunlight glinted off its silver surface. It stretched to about forty feet in length, with a more bulbous front and conical rear. A ramp extended down to the lake shore that Cherub-face ushered me towards. On the walk from Camp Sang we passed a couple other people who largely ignored me, far more focused on the path to the amphitheater. They were dressed differently, with a long-sleeved cotton tunic over looser pants...all in green. It still resembled a uniform, but those were definitely not soldiers. The equipment they carried indicated scientist was a more accurate designation. They did offer deferential nods to my escort. This struck me as especially odd since the two guys in black appeared only a couple years older than my sixteen and the scientists must be at least ten to fifteen years older. When we made our way up the ramp and into the craft, a mid-aged woman in a purple version of the tunic uniform greeted us. She said something to Cherub-face and made to reach out for me. I shrunk back, bumping into his side. Instead of pulling away, he put his arm around my shoulder, anchoring me there. I could feel the blush again heating my cheeks as they exchanged a few words. Finally, she gave him that same deferential nod and turned away, leading us down a narrow corridor. I was glad it forced me to follow behind, my skin still tingling where his arm had rested. We passed through a larger open cabin with pod-like beds with covers lining the pathway. We came to a back room that looked to have some sort of medical purpose. My apprehension started to grow again, but Cherub-face flashed that disarming smile and indicated I should sit on the chair against the wall. He started speaking incomprehensible babble, but his cheerful tone served its purpose and helped me stay calm as he worked through checking my vitals, like I'd seen on t.v. The instruments he used were different, but their purpose clear enough. He worked gently with brief touches when necessary. He must have noticed my aversion to touch. I grimaced, feeling awkward and shy. He was being so nice. If I was normal...well, probably a lot of things would be different. I certainly wouldn't be here.

The woman in purple came back to our room and began handing off things to Cherub-face as he continued examining me. He was so young but must be their version of a doctor or something. She must be like a nurse. So maybe the colors they wore designated jobs? Green for scientist, purple for medical, and then what was grey? The woman handed Cherub-face a small cylindrical device and spoke for the first time since coming in. He paused and gave the device a considering look, then shook his head in a no, passing it back and gesturing to me to stand. They directed me out to the room with the pods. I guessed that the exam was done. Cherub-face made motions that I should stay then retrieved my pack that had been left at the ramp. He placed it at the base of one of the pods, then smiled and waved a goodbye. I sunk down to sit on edge of the pod-bed. The woman brought me a granola-looking bar and made eating motions, so I complied. It was bland, but not horrible, and after the first bite I realized how very hungry I was. So I even ate half of the second bar she left for me with a clear container of liquid. It could not be much past midmorning, and I had fallen asleep early last night, but after the excitement and anxiety, and probably the accumulation of so much stress just surviving these past weeks, I soon laid down and was fast asleep.

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