34. Getting in Deep

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 A/n: I hope the emojis work for boys' interface names, some devices don't support all of them.  Luke's has a carrot...wanted to use broccoli, but it is too new for wattpad I guess.

The next day we were in Training Room 3 to practice combat manoeuvres. Luke was tasked with making illusions of Ionoth attack us. Gabriel and Sean were my minders, playing Velcro Sang and Move Her from the Monsters, while the others did their best to kill the illusions before they got that far. Lightning, and fire blasts in one direction, water bullets in another, with Nathan blurring all around at top speed. Kota organized the defensive strategy, while Tsee Blackbourne directed Luke's illusion attacks.  Well, he was trying to anyway. Luke and Gabriel were distracted, chatting on the Interface.

"Tset Taylor!  What could possibly more important to you and Tset Coleman than this training exercise!" His stern voice rang through the room, halting the activity.  "Do you need a reminder that we are under official mission-log? Or that this lack of discipline could cost our squad lives in the Ena?" 

No one was talking. Luke and Gabriel were clearly cowed.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourselves?" Tsee Blackbourne demanded.

They sort of stared daggers at one another, clearly Gabriel lost the battle and was playing sacrificial lamb. He said, "Well, Sang..." drifting off.

"Yes, we all were worried about Miss Sorenson, and please use her appropriate address while on-mission," Tsee Blackbourne chided impatiently.

"Uh...well, no.." Gabriel then mumbled, "itsmisssorensonsbirthdaytomorrow."

"What?" Tsee Blackbourne asked, narrowing his eyes.

Luke chimed in then, "Important Earth tradition... yearly celebration of a person's birth. Miss Sorenson's birthday is tomorrow...and we were...uh...."

Tsee Blackbourne was not impressed. "Two kasse tomorrow," was all he said, then ordered everyone to get back to work.

We worked, or rather they worked while I stood or sat around doing hardly anything but eating those horrid energy bars, for another two kasse. Without Luke distracted, the others were challenged more. In one practice battle, most of the others were occupied with some flying creatures and Like sent a sneak attack by a swarm of spider-like creatures from the opposite direction. Gabriel cussed loudly and zoomed the pair of us to the ceiling, leaving Sean behind to fend for himself. I got the strong impression Gabriel didn't like them very much, to put it mildly.

"Training Exercise: Completed" flashed across my vision over the Interface and Tsee Blackbourne said, "Dismissed."  The guys were all sweaty and breathing hard. 

Nathan walked over to where I stood with Sean and Gabriel. "How about a swim?" he asked. Others drifted in our direction.

Gabriel wiping his brow replied, "Yeah, sounds fucking good." 

Kota added, "Aquatics Training Room is clear of anything on the schedule. Actually, I just booked Fourth Squad in, though, no more training today." He reassured me with a smile.

Sean raised his voice asking, "Owen, you going to join us?"

"Ista Green," Tsee Blackbourne evaded, "I believe I have a report to file."

Sean didn't say anything else, just seemed to be silently communicating something. I think I saw the twitch of a millimeter smile, but Tsee Blackbourne turned on his heel and headed out the door. 

Sean sighed, then turned to me, "Pookie, as much as I would love to join you and the other guys, Tsee Blackbourne has reminded me of something I need to do. Perhaps another time?"

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