9. Curiouser and Curiouser

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"Ow! [Censored language] I hit my toe! [Censored language] ," Jessica curses as she comes into the bedroom. Since I've only graduated Taren Kindergarten, the Interface doesn't give me any translation for swear words. Taren society is merit based, so reaching legal adulthood is more heavily weighted on educational benchmarks than actual age. Everyone here has to earn their place in society. It is the opposite of an entitlement mentality. As a stray, I am at a distinct disadvantage trying to catch up, which is why strays don't generally have lucrative careers or serve in public office on Tare. Yesterday, I was struck with the fact that I have no money, no job or prospects, when Jessica declared we absolutely must go shopping after seeing that I only have two changes of clothes. Fortunately, Sa Lents was right there and informed me of a fund for basics that KOTIS supplies for strays. He said I should have plenty available for a few outfits and eating out as long as I was careful. I asked about money they were spending feeding me and he explained that a bonus was being provided for the assignment of learning about Earth. I hope he wasn't just trying to make me feel better.

"Father, did you hear about the Setari that were seen two kasse ago in Unara!?!" Jessica suddenly exclaimed as we walked into the dining area for breakfast.

"Not all of us are so dedicated to the Setari watch sites," Sa Lents replied after refocusing from whatever he was viewing.
Jessica looked quite put out at his response. I realized quickly that she was not only boy-crazy, but entirely obsessed with the Setari. On Tare there are the usual types of celebrities, like actors and musicians called songstars, political leaders and exceptional scholars, but Setari are the biggest craze.

The black-suited Steel Eyes and Ista Green were Setari. The word Setari translates something like 'experts' or 'specialist'. After two movies, all the poster-hologram-thingies on Jessica's wall space, and Jessica going on about them constantly, I have figured out they are some kind of psychic soldier. They have amazing abilities, like telekinesis or even self-levitation, that come from the Ena. Apparently, all Tarens have some connection enough this Ena thing, and have some minor talent. Things like flying though are major athlete level. Setari are the best and strongest, used by the military to fight those monsters called Ionoth and other peacekeeping tasks or even detective sort of work. I am not sure if the movies are realistic or over the top, but Taren Hollywood portrays the black-uniformed Setari as super psychic space ninjas.

"It is such a shame you only saw two of them," she bemoaned once again. She had pressed for as many details as possible, but limited language skills saved me from a worse interrogation. "I am headed to school," Jessica announces after an extended commentary on a three-joden video she shared with me that someone had taken of the Setari seen in Unara.

"Why face fuzzy?" I ask.

"Oh, KOTIS blocks the face of any Setari being recorded, as well as their names," she explained. "It is so amazing and I am so jealous that you even got to know one of them is Ista Green," she gushed in awe. I hadn't shared his first name. Not sure why, but when I heard about how sought after any tidbit of information on Setari is...well, I decided not to tell. "Until now I've only known Kota...." She drifts off as Erica passes through the room, her normally happy face downcast.

"You mother sad?" I whisper to Jessica.

"She just misses my older half-brother, Dakota Lee. He was chosen for the Setari program eighteen years ago. We haven't seen him much since he graduated from Kalrani at KOTIS Academy." I see she misses him too, a bit of hero worship shining in her eyes too as she sends a picture to me. It must be from before he went to the Academy since the boy looks about eight or nine Earth years old. He has dark hair and green eyes...cute. "I will see you later, Sang," Jessica throws over her shoulder as she leaves the apartment. Despite all the classes that are taken virtually, school attendance is still mandatory for sports, practical sciences and group sessions. Since the city, Kessine, is not open to the real sun there are three shifts, instead of a formal night and day. Jessica goes to Shift One for four out of six days. I am about to go work on my own infantile lessons when Erica calls me to the sitting room.

"Sang, I received a message from Ista Phillips that he explained Tare's reproductive policies..." She waits for my nod of agreement. Due to limited land and overpopulation, Tarens have strict compulsory birth control. Couples actually have to apply for and pass parenting exams to procreate. She continues, "Though Tarens are expected to refrain from experimenting and engaging sexual conduct until their fifties, I just want to see if you have any questions or concerns about Taren culture and sexual relationships."

Oh.... I press my finger to my lips. After a few joden of awkward silence, she gently asks, "Did your mother discuss reproduction with you back home?"

Uh, my mother, no way. She ranted about me being raped and murdered or turning into a whore, but health class in school covered the basics, I think. So I reply, "No, but school talk female...." And there is where my Taren vocabulary runs out. I am so embarrassed but try to supplement with gestures. I must look like a tomato now.

"Well, I think you seem to have an understanding. I may recommend a Taren equivalent to your Earth lessons be added to your curriculum soon that focuses on the legal and cultural aspects. You probably need to get a bit further in language first though. Let's talk more when you feel ready, okay? We want you to be comfortable and successful, Sang. Please don't be shy in asking. But just for now, you should know that everything must be consensual for all parties, and you should send an alert if you ever feel uncomfortable in any sort of situation." She pats my shoulder once as she exits to the kitchen, leaving me to my thoughts.

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