63. Recover

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I was waking up and thinking that I must have shut the other half of the door.  Then I was noticing that I felt very bad, and a weirdness about my face, which made me lift a hand. I found that one of my eyes was covered up.  There was something else which was even weirder, but I couldn't immediately figure out what it was, so I turned my head and saw that Kota was on a chair beside me. He was asleep, slumped against the wall. I heard someone shift on my other side, and that was harder to look at because of my covered eye.  Without understanding why, I didn't want to move my hand, so I kept it over the bandage, but eventually, I managed to shift around enough to see Sean.  I think he must have moved so I could see him.  He needed to sleep a lot too, but mostly he looked incredibly relieved and happy-upset.

"Hey, Pookie," he said in a gravelly voice.  At least, I am pretty sure that's what he said.  It was awfully silent in my head and I noticed there was no Interface.  Everything else he said I had no inner translation for. A few words I recognized but I had really been relying on the Interface to understand Taren more than I realized.

I searched my memory to say "What happen?"

His answer included something about "turn Interface off" and "too much" something.  It sort of felt like the first day of Taren preschool again.  Now I was in pain and really frustrated with myself.  I vowed to do better at truly learning Taren.  But an intense headache was blossoming from my right temple and I was having trouble focusing.   Sean noticed my wincing and pointed to my head, making a frown face.  I nodded and he retrieved something to inject into my IV.  Warmth and a wave of drowsiness swept through me.  Before my eyelid dipped back down I saw him smile wearily and then felt his hand caress my cheek under the other covered eye.  

I am not sure how long it was until I woke again.  Nathan and Victor were there.  All I am confident I understood from their greetings were Princess and Peanut.  Then Victor, standing nearest, took my hand and said "Ready, Interface turn on" followed by a zinging sensation.  It was like when your foot falls asleep and the nerves fire back to life, only this was like my whole brain was rebooting. I promptly vomited all over him. Victor was stunned and looking a bit squeamish, while Nathan, clearly trying to cover his amusement, jumped into action to clean me and the bedding up.  At least I understood them clearly now.

"Great aim, Peanut," Nathan chuckled under his breath as a brought back the clean linens and sterile towels.  

Victor shot him a horrified look, finally shaking off his shock.  He grabbed one of the towels and started wiping down the front of his shirt.

"I am so sorry," I tried to apologize.

"No, Sang, it's...uh, fine....Sean mentioned that turning the Interface back on might have some unexpected effects.  I just didn't imagine...uh...this," Victor said as he continued to mop himself up. "How do you feel?"

"Not my best," I admitted, "though better than last time I wake up.  How long I been asleep?"

They exchanged looks, silently communicating.

"It's been four kai!" I exclaimed, after using the Interface to check the date.

Victor sighed then turned back and nodded.  "You need to take it easy.  Ista Phillips said you may be weak and dizzy, so have Nathan help if you want to stand." Then he excused himself to go change clothes.  I couldn't blame him.  His moss and berry scent was being covered by that vomit smell. 

I was feeling very gross now so Nathan did help me to the bathroom. Even if I hadn't been so unsteady, only using one eye was offsetting. I cleaned up while a medic changed the bed linens. I shuffled back supported by Nathan's arm around my waist and tubing for the IV trailing behind.

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