17. S4-Report

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A/n: I have realized that just using A-report really doesn't work as well for this story...so I am switching to an alternate designation, with each squad number since we will see other squads, and KOTIS-Report for characters like Ista Phillips or Tsur Buble. I apologize for any confusion that might have caused.

Sometimes, I would really like to use my abilities to get my parents off my back. Really, a little electric shock never hurt anybody...much. Only the threat of suspension and first level monitoring dampened the temptation. In Gabe's words, it was a fucking nightmare every time my parents could get me away from KOTIS to perform. Jasmine was politically ambitious, maneuvering to enter the next election cycle for Unara's Lahanti. George was along for the ride, reaping his own version of 'social' benefits. I was seen as a talented pawn in their games. They had used considerable influence to negotiate with KOTIS "on my behalf"....what a loaded bunch of...they just wanted to enjoy their prodigy son's songstar status. I used to enjoy being a onaipist, playing an instrument that is a cross of string and percussion. By the time KOTIS came to draft me into the Academy for my abilities, all the practice and concerts had been close to ruining any love for playing that I once had. My parents had managed to work occasional concerts into my contract with KOTIS. An entire committee had to be assembled to approve and oversee each event, since my anonymous status as a Setari could be compromised when I performed. When I went out as Setari there were Interface blocks to prevent recordings or identification applications like name display, however when I performed, these blocks had to be lifted and everyone knew Victor Morgan. I will be forever grateful to Tsur Buble for insisting on a clause that dictated when I turned 54, or if my parents ever revealed my Setari status, the obligatory concerts would cease immediately and indefinitely.

I had escaped last night's gala after my appearance, when Luke showed up and teleported me out. He swore we had gone into Tsur Duncan's home, one of the grey-suits, but I found it doubtful Tsur Duncan was a fan of holoposters more suited to an adolescent female's bedroom. From there we made our way back to Konna Island through bursts of teleports. It was easier than facing crowds on public transports.

This morning, he had left me near the KOTIS entrance and went back home to join Uncle and North for the remainder of our squad's leave time. I had received a notice that Kota was back early too and decided to see if he wanted to hang out. We all had access to each other's rooms and I thought nothing of opening his door and walking in. Like me, Kota doesn't sleep nude and changes in the bathroom. I wouldn't take the chance of barging in on some of my brothers, certainly not their bedroom, and in Silas and North's case, not even their central room. One very brief view of the South Kolarian in all his glory was enough for me, thank you very much.

As I enter the room, I am surprised to see Kota still abed. Kota, who rivals Tsee Blackbourne in lecturing on the topic of an efficient use of time. I wasn't about to let this opportunity for a bit of payback to pass me up. Leaving the room and sending a discreet alarm through the Interface would be too nice. I even started recording a private inskin file, for posterity of course.

"Hey, Kota!" I yelled expecting him to jerk awake. He remained still. "Are you still sleeping?" Silence.

Ha! Here we go. I bunched my muscles and leapt.

  I bunched my muscles and leapt

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