26. Musical Chairs

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"Sang," Sean said to gain my attention, as we sat down in a secluded corner of the dining hall.  "I don't think you'll have to continue sleeping in a room with the dampening circuitry, so if you'd like to bunk elsewhere..."

"Oy, Trouble! You sleep in my room tonight," interrupted Gabriel.

Sean shot him an annoyed look.

Victor and Nathan were quick to claim that Kota should definitely get some good rest in his own bed, but no need for me to move my things to another apartment.

"Sang, can bunk in with me," asserted Nathan, then added, "or Victor," after wincing from a kick under the table.

Kota just gaped and mumbled something about the roll-away being perfectly comfortable.

Tsee Blackbourne cleared his throat and the table silenced.  "Miss Sorenson, would you like to sleep in another room?" he asked.

My finger went to my lip.  I glanced around the table.  All eyes were on me.  I once watched a television show about a dog trainer.  The Dog Whisperer, I think he was called.  The trainer stood in the center of several dogs, all obediently seated, tails wagging and waiting for the treat in his hand.  I sort of felt like that trainer. 

"I...," Geez, what should I do? "...think it be okay to sleep....somewhere else." I didn't want to upset anyone.  Could I make it fair somehow?

They all seemed to lean in, expecting me to answer further...Silas grinning, Gabe with wide crystal blue, puppy-dog eyes.

"Uh, take turns?" I suggested.

There was a short flurry of offers to be first host.

Tsee Blackbourne cleared his throat again, silencing everyone once more.  "If you don't have any particular order of preference, I would like to make a recommendation." I indicated that I had no preference, and he continued, "Very well.  Tset Coleman and Tset Korba, you both have roommates returning tonight who have not been formally introduced to Miss Sorenson.  I think it best for her to stay first with Tset Morgan and then Tset Griffin.  We'll discuss further arrangements once she has met the others.  And only if no issues arise from Miss Sorenson sleeping outside of a containment room." Everyone nodded their agreement. "Now, I suggest you all finish eating and rest for the evening.  We start early tomorrow.  Ista Green, Tsur Buble wants to see the two of us in his office now."

Sean sighed, feigning exasperation, but picked up his meal and moved to follow Tsee Blackbourne.  He turned and pointed to Victor saying, "Remember the rules," then threw a departing wink to me as he left.


I changed into sleeping clothes at Victor's suggestion.  Other than the wriggling as the nanocytes adjusted themselves, the uniform was fairly comfortable.  It regulated temperature, dealt with perspiration (yay, for no B.O.), and was quite flexible for movement.  However, I felt much more comfortable sleeping in the night shirt and loose pants. 

Victor had offered to sleep in Kota's room, so I would have his bed to myself.  It was sweet, but I wasn't sure I wanted to sleep alone, now that I was used to having Kota nearby these past few nights.  I inhaled the moss and berries scent of Victor's sheets as I lay far to one edge of the bed, waiting for him to join me.  He was still in the bathroom showering. I felt a bit nervous, my stomach fluttering.  I wasn't sure why.  Was this really any different than sleeping in Kota's room?   Victor had already laid a pile of pillows down the center of the bed. "To prevent accidental contact," he'd explained.

When I first entered his room, I was astonished to see what looked like an oddly-shaped piano in the far corner.  The keys and some other parts looked different, but the function was clear.  It was definitely a similar instrument.  I stared at it in wonder.

"You like music?" Victor asked when he came in placing my bag near the doorway.  I nodded enthusiastically.  He sat me next to him on a bench-like seat and played a beautiful Taren piece.  It was soft, like a Classical lullaby, the notes gentle and soothing. 

I thanked him as the last note drifted away.  He moved his hands from the keys and half turned to me.  "For you, Princess, I will play anytime," he said, the hint of lightning dancing in his eyes.

I was glad I had made an audio recording of him playing earlier and replayed it now to settle my nerves.  Eventually, Victor returned and slipped under the covers on his side of the bed.  He asked if I was comfortable or if I needed anything else, then bade me a goodnight.  I listened as his breathing evened out and soft snores began.  I soon found my own eyes drifting closed and sleep claiming me.

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