another authors note

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UPDATE 7/19/17

I posted the first chapter of the sequel you guys I'm so weak but also you should go check it out because that would make my day :)))


honestly props to you if you even read these things

so my friends, if any of you lovely humans checked out Falling Together, you would know that I am the worst at updating those chapters. Mostly because i can never figure out what to write or what i am doing with the plot.

now hey, i know what you're thinking: why is the authors note on this book then?

well to awnser your very valid question: i'm debating jumping right into the sequel of WJF. i think i would still continue working on Falling Together, but the sequel would become my top priority.

i'm debating because every time i jump back into that story my heart becomes so happy and honestly i miss those days bunches and i kind of feel like doing a badass little thing rn.

in case you didn't know: while i had been finishing up we're just friends, i had began to watch Agents of Shield (12/10 recommend btw) and that's what gave me inspiration to do kind of a Skye/Daisy thing with Mia.

i just need some feedback. i usually don't get any, but this time it would be so helpful if you could suggest some things i could do :)

as always xox han

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