Surprise in Paradise

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Seeing Demi's tweet after we got off the phone, kept me smiling as I drifted off to sleep, to dream about her. I couldn't wait until I was able to join her back on tour. I couldn't wait to see her at all. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. I was dreaming of Demi when my alarm on my phone woke me the next morning. I sent her a text, "Miss you. Hope you're feeling better. <3" I got out of bed to shower & when I came out of the bathroom, my heart soared when I saw the light flashing on my phone, letting me know I had a text. I hoped it was from Demi. I was surprised I had two texts waiting for me. From Demi, "Thank you. Miss you, too. <3" The other text was from Olivia. I rolled my eyes when I read it, "We can make this work, babe. See you soon." No, I wouldn't see you soon. My friend, John, was coming to Hawaii that next day & I was looking forward to hanging out with him during my down time from shooting Hawaii 5-O.

Being back on the Hawaii 5-O set was awesome. It was like I never left. Hanging out with the cast was fun, everyone was really cool. I had an amazing first day of shooting. I was heading back to my room after I finished taping that day, when my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Nick?" It was Olivia.

"Olivia? What do you want?" I couldn't hide my irritation.

"We need to talk. My publicist says this is a bad time for us to be announcing a breakup."

"Why would I give a shit about what your publicist says? I'm not staying with you for publicity."

"I need us to be a couple until I find out if I am getting this new job as a permanent correspondent for Extra."

"A breakup may give you that sympathy & they'll hire you because they feel sorry for you." I was smiling now.

I heard Olivia groan into the phone. "Nick, please. Just give me this week in Hawaii to boost my popularity & then I will go away & not cause any problems for you..... or anyone else."

"In Hawaii?" I asked, chuckling. "Are you kidding? You're not...." I rounded the corner of the hallway to where my room was & there she stood. Olivia. I clicked end on my phone in annoyance as she smiled at me. I shook my head, frowning as I approached her. "No. You need to go. I am not doing this."

"Please? I promise I will announce our breakup next week. Nick.... I need this." She was whispering. I unlocked my door & went in, Olivia following me, before I could protest.

I sighed as I put my phone on the dresser, along with the key card & everything else I had in my hands. "Do you swear that this is all you need to end this amicably? You will not cause any trouble for me or whoever I date after you?" I hoped I wasn't going to regret this.

Olivia nodded, smiling, crossing her heart. I agreed to put up an act while I was here in Hawaii before I went to take a shower. When I came out of the shower, Olivia was naked.

"Jesus, Olivia. Put some clothes on." I averted my eyes as I made my way to the chair near the tv.

"You never used to complain if I walked around naked."

"Stop. One night. Then tomorrow when John gets here, I am staying with him." I started texting John from my phone, telling him to get a room with double beds when he got here.

"You can't stay with John & make us look believable."

"Take it or leave it." I shrugged my shoulders as I turned on the tv. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight."

"You can sleep in the bed. I promise I'll behave." Her voice was very annoying to me right now. I missed Demi's voice.

"No." was my reply. I didn't talk to her much more. I watched tv, ignoring her as she flitted around in her underwear, trying to get my attention. She finally gave up & went to bed. When I knew she was asleep, I shut the tv off & sent Demi a text. "You can't imagine how much I wish you were in my bed right now." I hadn't told her about Olivia's plan yet. The moment after I sent the text to Demi, I got a text from Kevin, "Did you know Wilmer is in New York & he's with Demi?" What the hell? I responded to Kevin, "No, how do you know this?" It was agony waiting for Kevin to reply. "They came by to see Alena. Demi kept her distance since she's sick, but Wilmer held her. They were heading to dinner nearby so they weren't seen in the city."

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