Ch. 19: Single

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Automatically I kiss back, almost as excitedly as he was. I know it's wrong, but then there's the part of me that wants it. This is simply the result of a lonely girl and a horny guy that just happen to be in the same room, alone.

He stops kissing me briefly to take off his shirt, where the hell is this going now? He starts kissing me again before I push him away.

"No. No no no I am not getting in the middle of your fight with your girlfriend. I'm not a rebound either." I frown and cross my arms at him.

"I get it."

"You do?" I'm a bit surprised.

He nods and turns around to put his shirt back on. That's when I notice he has a tattoo on his side. It looked like a guitar, and it looked pretty dang hot. It was only about four inches long.

"You got a tattoo?"

"Don't you like it?"

"Sure. It suits you."

"I hate it." He says as he pulls his shirt over his head.

"What? Why?" I continue asking questions, he'll probably get annoyed soon.

"Because. I wish I would have gotten something else."

"Oh, well I think it looks fine." I reassure him.

"Courtney hates it too."

So that's why he doesn't like it.

"So? It's your body. Do whatever the hell you want with it."

"You know how it goes Laura. If someone you love doesn't like something, all you want to do is change it."

Unfortunately he's right.

"I think you should talk to her. What are you doing here with me? I'm pretty sure your girlfriend is more important."

"I want your advice." He replies.

"And I just gave it to you. Talk to her. Communication is key to a relationship." I incourage him.

He nods his head a little, "I know it is, but maybe I don't want a relationship with her anymore."

"Well then you need to tell her that. Not me."

He looks at me like I said the wrong thing. Like he wants a different response.

"Ross...go talk to her. Then you can talk to me."

"Alright fine. I'll talk to her. If I can find her. But then I'm coming back here."

"Fine with me, but I'm going to bed by ten."


Ross's POV~

After leaving Laura's, I get in my car and take a drive to clear my head. I know now what I really want. But before I can have it, I have to clear things up with Courtney.

I dial her number and she doesn't pick up until the last ring.

"I was beginning to think it was really over. That you'd never call." I hear her sniffle.

"Where are you?" I get right to the point. I'm done wasting my time playing mind games.

She hesitates, "Why do you care?"

"Because I love you and we need to talk about you being pregnant."

"We do need to talk, but I'm not pregnant."

A feeling a relief washes over me but her words also made me feel angry.

"What the hell, you lied to me?!"

"Ross you're the idiot that believed me. You know we haven't even had sex in I don't know how long. I lied to prove a point." She tries explaining, I don't want to hear any excuses.

"Seriously, tell me where the fuck you are. I don't want to talk over the phone." I try and say it as nicely as possible, which isn't so nice at the moment.

"I'll meet you at the park." She says finally.

"Fine. Right now please." I demand and hang up the phone. Quickly I drive to the park and wait for her to arrive.

Ten minutes later she shows up. I get out of the car and slam the door. Just so she can see how pissed I am.

"Stop being so dramatic." She rolls her eyes at me and takes a seat on a nearby bench.

I stand in front of her, casting a shadow over her. My arms are crossed and she refuses to look at me.

"Ross I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to lie...but you wouldn't listen to me and this was the only way to get your attention." She only looks at her feet.

"If there's one thing I can't stand it's lying. I will not deal with lying anymore."

"I know it's wrong. But you've been so distracted by this Laura drama, you seem to be forgetting about me."

All it feels like she's doing is trying to make me feel bad. So this can all blow over into a pity party.

She finally looks up at me, "We've been together five years Ross...that's a long time. But you don't ever show any interest in taking the next step."

"This is about marriage again isn't it."

"Wow I'm surprised you even know what that is..." She looks back down.

"I'm not an idiot-"

"Yes you are Ross! I've been wanting to get married for so long now. Waiting and waiting for you to ask me but you don't even talk about our future together. Don't you see that I love you! I want to marry you and have a family with you. But all you seem to want is a girl to label as your girlfriend!" She stands up and I can see the tears in her eyes.

"That's because I don't want to get married. Or have a kid. Because the last time I tried, my life went to shit."

"You're seriously never going to marry me?"

I shrug, "I'm sorry's not what I want."

"Then I'm done. We're done. I'm not going to waste my time with you anymore. If you aren't ever going to marry me or have a baby with me, I don't want to be with you."

Now I'm not the only one who's pissed.

"I'm sorry Courtney...I hope you find someone better than me out there."

"Have a nice life asshole." She walks away, making sure to flick me off first.

I don't see why she has to be so mad. I loved her but why should I have to change for her? Marriage is overrated anyways. I have way too many other things to do.

At least now I can officially tell Laura that I'm single.


What'd you guys think?

Lemme know in the comments :)

Also sorry if there are any errors. I haven't been editing my chapters lately because I just want to publish them quickly so you guys can read. But if there's any major errors don't be afraid to tell me.

Peace out!

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