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My eyes slowly peeled open, my peaceful slumber being rudely interrupted by the constant sound of my alarm. Slowly, I tried to sit up yet my body weighed me down, I was finding it harder and harder to get out of bed every morning and it disgusted me. My own body repulsed me.

Finally, I was upright and I quickly closed the alarm, appreciating the silence that immediately followed. I quickly ran my fingers through my dull blonde locks and finally lugged myself up.

As I got myself ready as I usually did, I groaned, my jeans were now getting tight, I hated telling my mother these things as she hated having a fat child as much as I hated being one. I pulled on my men's t-shirt and slowly padded downstairs, my stomach growling ferociously with each step I descended down.

My mother was already sat at the table, she easily got out of bed in the morning and was usually there every morning when I was finally ready. Her eyes flickered up as I entered and I could feel them scan me up and down before a look of disapproval flashed across her face and she tutted, going back to tapping on her phone and sipping her black coffee.

"My jeans are tight..." I whispered, kind of hoping that she wouldn't hear, yet of course, she did.
"Great, you're now officially the fattest person in this town!" She snapped.

I shook my head at the usual behaviour received from her and grabbed for the cocoa crispies, pouring myself a moderately large bowl. I knew it was wrong, I felt disappointed as I did it, yet the urge to eat drowned out any other feelings.

I wolfed them down, ignoring my mother's comment about bad manners, I couldn't care less in the morning, I was always ravenous. I also downed my milkshake to which my mother rolled her eyes, she hated dairy.

She did, however, quickly recover when she heard the car pull up outside.
"Come on sweetie! Ethan's here!"

Ethan Dolan was my best friend and whenever he was around, her whole demeanour changed, she became the most sympathetic and caring mother and this only caused me to despise her more as it was all fake. She could be a nice person towards me yet she chose not to, and for that, I really didn't like my mother.

Grabbing my bag, I slung it over my shoulder, my mother following close behind. Reaching the door, I tried to get out and close the door behind me yet my mother blocked me from doing that and gently shoved me out of the door, giving a small finger wave to Ethan to which he half-heartedly returned. My mother's face lit up at this reaction and all I could do was try not to gag as I climbed into the passenger seat.

"Listen Cass, I know I'm hot and all, but can you tell your mom to back off, I'm not looking for an older woman... Well not that old anyway."
I rolled my eyes playfully at his cocky personality, "Oh I've tried, it hasn't worked yet."

He shrugged and began to drive, he turned on the radio and instantly the top 40 began blasting through the speakers. Ethan began to sing along, pouring his whole soul into it, he was actually a genuinely good singer yet he hid his talents due to the expectation of him being the top football player.

Everyone was baffled as to why we were friends yet it was as stereotypical as it comes. The football captain and the loser, it happens.

As we drove into school, my stomach began to churn, the bullying, it's been happening for a while, ever since I put on the weight, mean names get shouted at me, people steal my lunch money to watch me suffer at lunch and I get pushed in the corridor because it's hard for me to get up. I haven't told anyone about it, not even Ethan, I can deal with it, loads of people do.

As usual, everyone watched closely as Ethan got out, recording his every move with adoring eyes, then they watched me. I heaved myself out, my fat getting me caught in the door. A couple of people sniggered and all stared at me in disgust.

Puppy fat- DolanWhere stories live. Discover now