S e v e n t e e n

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"Cass wake up! You're okay baby, I'm here, it's all okay..."

Grayson's soft voice gently pulled me out of my slumber and I awoke in a cold sweat, the memories now constantly overriding my mind, making it hard to focus on anything else. My breathing was deep and it took me a while to compose myself.
"That seemed like quite a nightmare..." He murmured, stroking my hair as I nodded. I couldn't focus enough to utter any words of agreement.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked, concern evident in his voice. I admired how much he cared for me yet I couldn't tell him about my past. He'd hate me and I'd hate for that to happen. He deserved happiness and he seemed to get it from the person I was now, not who I was in my old town. She was someone who'd never resurface again. I'd make sure of it.

I shook my head slowly in reply to the question and luckily he didn't push it further which was another reason as to why I loved him- he knew when everything was too much. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, trying to force the thoughts from my mind- it wasn't working.

It was only when Grayson crashed his lips to mine that my thoughts became blurred. They were still present yet they weren't my main priority, at that moment, my prime focus was the feeling of pure bliss and lust that coursed through my body. It felt better than anything else could've in that moment.

Our lips moved perfectly in sync and I felt myself being pulled closer only to be moved away again quickly when someone cleared their throat. The both of us sprung apart and turned to sheepishly look at the doctor who seemed rather uncomfortable with the situation.

"Miss Jenkins. Judging on that little session I had the misfortune to walk in on, I can confirm that you are now able to be discharged and you may leave as soon as you deem ready." He muttered, quickly exiting the room as I smiled widely, throwing my arms around Gray's neck excitedly.
"Finally! Let's go!" I grinned, quickly clamouring off the bed, wanting to pack my bags as quickly as possible, but I was stopped by a strong pair of arms gently setting me on the bed.
"You're resting, I'll do it."

I sighed in defeat, knowing that there was no point in trying to argue with him and I should just leave him to let him do what he wanted, it'd be quicker that way. Sure enough he was done in 5 minutes and he quickly scooped me up bridal style and took me to the car, probably to save my legs, most likely to show off his strength. If I had biceps as large I would also want to flaunt them.

After getting comfortable in the passenger seat, Grayson jogged around to his side and drove us home carefully, glancing at me every so often to ensure that I was still okay.
"I'm fine, just keep your eyes on the road..." I said quietly, fear starting to set in.

My dad went home to talk things through with my mother and my father and mother used to argue a lot, especially when it came to things like me. When I took up cross country, my mother despised it as she hated 'wasting her time' to drive me, my father, on the other hand, was extremely supportive, cheering me on at every race and treating me if I was in the top 3.

It seemed that my mom had demanded my father to stay away so I was certain that there'd be a huge argument as soon as I stepped through the doorway. We soon reached my house however and as far as I could tell, no argument had arose.

"Want me to come in?" Grayson asked and I threw him a grateful smile before shaking my head.
"No thanks, I'll be fine."

He rose his eyebrows at me yet shrugged, as I got out of the car and collected my things. I threw a quick wave to the handsome boy I could call mine, then walked in, only to be greeted by the sound of my mother's sobs.

I followed the noise and found myself in the front room. My mother was crying into her hands as my father stood awkwardly, raking his hands through his hair.
"How could you Paul? I love you!" She screeched as my father sighed.
"You told me you hated me! You can't expect me to stay your husband when you tell me that and tell me to leave!" He groaned as my stomach sunk.
My father had found someone else.

It was then he looked up and met my eyes, "I'm sorry Cass... I fell in love, they have a daughter that you really will get along with, I know you will, I'm so certain."
I nodded emotionlessly at his words, not being able to feel anything other than replaced.

"I've actually called the daughter down to meet you, she should be here soon." He informed a large smile playing his lips that caused the sinking feeling to increase. It was this moment that I'd wished I'd invited Grayson in instead of asking for the independence I no longer wanted. He'd know exactly what to do and would no doubtedly say the right things to calm my nerves and upset.

My want for my boyfriend was cut short when there was a knock at the back door. My palms became sweaty and I could already tell from the silhouette that this new daughter was of a slimmer frame than myself.

My dad smiled, opening the door to cause my mouth to gape open, I stared at my new sister, while she looked me up and down in surprise, her nose wrinkling almost discreetly in disgust as she took in the weight I had gained from our last seeing of each other. Quickly, she masked her feelings with a broad smile.

"Hi Macy."

Before I could say anything, a deep voice spoke loudly, "Who the f*ck is Macy?"

End of chapter!
Ooo Grayson's finding things out!
Who do you think the step sister was to Cassie before stepsisters?
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-Ky 💜

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