F i v e

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I awoke that morning to a gentle shake of my shoulder and slowly my eyes opened to gaze up sleepily at Ethan who beamed down at me once I'd registered his face.

"Morning.." He smiled as I returned the gesture and peeled back the covers as he left the room. I slowly got out of bed, the typical task being a lot more difficult than it should be. As I carried out the usual morning procedures, I couldn't help but wonder how it feels for these tasks to be easy rather than straining.

After finally getting ready for school, I plodded downstairs to the twins in the kitchen who were quickly eating pancakes and chugging protein shakes. I gazed longingly at the food and my stomach was painfully hungry yet I suppressed this feeling and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before sitting beside Ethan.

"You want your usual toppings?" He asked, placing two on a plate before turning to me for my response. I shook my head avoiding both of the twins' gazes. I couldn't do this, I wanted and needed to lose this weight.
"I don't want pancakes thanks..." I whispered, praying that my stomach was quiet enough for them to not hear.
"But they're your favourite!" Ethan stated, completely shocked at my answer as I usually loved pancakes and would polish the plate easily.
"I'm not hungry..." I tried to reason, knowing it didn't sound realistic at all since 'fat girls' are never not hungry.
"Yes you are." Grayson told me as though he knew exactly what I was thinking.

This annoyed me.

I stood up glaring at him. "You shouldn't care, I'm fat remember? At least that's what you told me last night."
Turning on my heel, I shuffled quickly out of the door and began on my journey to school after hearing Ethan bellow to Grayson.
"You told her what?!"


"Are you okay?" Ethan asked as he slid into his usual seat beside mine in English. He'd arrived late today and I gathered that it had something to do with the argument that was just breaking out as I had left. The argument that erupted due to my careless comment.

Then as if on cue, Grayson walked in, looking as irresistibly gorgeous as always, yet I couldn't admit this as his personality made him a lot uglier. He smirked widely as all the girls who paid him their full attention and came and sat beside Ethan who wasn't all too pleased.
"Bro, this bruise on my bicep makes me look a lot tougher." He laughed, and I cursed myself for my eyes scanned his toned arms for the bruise, which did indeed make him look tougher and a lot more attractive.

I didn't stare for too long as I was still mad and it would only boost his ego further if he were to catch me daydreaming at his large upper arm.

Ethan rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to our teacher who was starting a class discussion on Shakespeare's greatest works. We'd been doing this for several lessons now as the teacher wanted everyone to participate and explain their favourite Shakespeare play.

"Grayson! Surely you've done some Shakespeare before. Which is your favourite?" She asked, everyone's eyes turning to stare at the new hottie of the class.

"The Lion King one." He smirked as the whole class burst out laughing as though he was the funniest comedian in the world. I glanced at Miss Carlow and she did not seem impressed- that made two of us.

"You mean Hamlet?" She asked as he nodded.
"That's the one!" He even snapped his fingers as though he'd thought about the true name of the play, yet clearly, he hadn't.

Many of the girls were smiling like Cheshire cats, some slipping him their phone numbers which he gathered up with faux appreciation before tucking them in his pocket with a wink.

I sighed, resting my head in my hands, he was so gorgeous yet so mean yet so nice yet so attractive to other girls which meant it was impossible for me to get a chance with him. He didn't go for fat girls.

Ethan noticed my distress and turned to me, "You okay?"
I nodded slowly, I didn't really know what was wrong, it may be due to the fact that his twin waltzed in and stole everyone's attention before they even properly knew him, yet no one wanted to know me and I'd been a peer since kindergarten.

Despite his disbelief, he didn't press for more details and simply rubbed my back reassuringly and comfortingly, and although it didn't work, I didn't say and simply allowed him to continue.

"Hey Cass?" Grayson started, looking at me until he gained my attention.
"Yeah?" I asked, receiving some glares due to gaining his attention for a moment.
"Got a pencil I can borrow?" He flashed me his dazzling smile and I rolled my eyes.
"Not for you." I snapped, causing many disbelieving expressions to be sent my way.
"You can borrow mine!" Penny smiled, handing him a pink pencil.
"Perfect." He winked before sending a pointed look my way.

I shrugged, attempting hard to not seem bothered, yet it did slightly and I couldn't mask it, he knew it and I definitely knew it.

"Cass?" He asked again.
"What?" I shouted, earning an outraged glare from Miss Carlow.
"Are you going to the gym again tonight?" He asked as the class suddenly sounded in loud laughter.
My face crumpled at the taunting noises and I instantly fled from the classroom, both of the twins quickly following.

Ethan caught up first, engulfing me in a warm hug which I welcomed eagerly.
"Go away Grayson." Ethan instructed yet his twin paid no attention to what he was told and began to explain himself.

"Cass,  I didn't mean for this to happen. I thought if I said that then people would leave you alone because they knew you were doing something about it."

I looked at him and he seemed genuine yet I couldn't give in that easily.
"Whatever." I muttered, walking off with Ethan by my side.

"You never told me you went to the gym..."

End of chapter!
Thankyou to thecutnessgirl for the cover!
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