T w e n t y - f o u r

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((Please read A/N at end!!))

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my suitcase. Today was the day that I was leaving for my first modelling job and although I was excited, I was extremely terrified. On top of those emotions, was a dull aching in the bottom of my heart because today was also the day that I'd be leaving the two boys who meant the most to me and had become 2 people that I could trust and rely on.

"Cassie! Come on! We've got to go! I can't wait to post a picture of your plane on Instagram to explain what my daughter is doing! This will be sure to get more likes than Shelly!" She smiled, her teeth baring as though she was anything but pleased for me.
I rolled my eyes at her lack of enthusiasm while cringing at her words. Parents should not be on social media.

"Can you drive me to the twins' house on the way to the airport?" I asked, hoping that she'd agree because she adored the twins more than me. It honestly confused me. I really hope she didn't try anything on Ethan while I was gone. That would be tragic.

"Of course we can! I haven't seen my sweet Eteeweetee for ages! I think I'm having withdrawal symptoms." She simpered, it was honestly pathetic. As she turned the keys, a feeling of nervous nausea washed through me, could I really tell them? Could I really leave?

We drove in silence down the familiar streets that I'd be leaving for so long. I'd always hated this town but I had no doubt that I'd be feeling homesick after only a short while on this shoot. This town was the place that started it all. The chain reaction:
Meeting Grayson who called me fat, who then gave me the motivation and helped me to lose weight, which was a total success which led to me getting spotted. It was honestly surreal.

Finally, their house came into my vision and it was as though I froze. I didn't want to tell them yet I knew I had to, it'd be cruel not to.
"Stay here." I ordered Mum sternly; she rolled her eyes yet reluctantly agreed.

Thanking the lords for her absence, I ran up the steps and knocked on the door, biting my nail nervously. Two minutes later, the door opened and Grayson smiled at me widely.
"Cass! We were just about to call you! Wanna bake cookies with us?"

Tears stung my eyes at this question, I would've loved to, but I couldn't.
"I can't..." I whispered, my voice breaking as the tears fell, "I've been spotted by a modelling agency and I have my first job that starts tomorrow, it's the other side of the world. I've been wanting to tell you for ages but I couldn't find the words nor time." I spluttered quickly, as he stared at me confusedly.

"Well that's great! How long will you be gone? I better be the first to see your photos!" He said as I smiled sadly, my watery eyes paying me no justice.
"A-A year..." I choked as his eyes widened before his expression matched my own.
"Oh..." He said quietly, pulling me into a warm, tight embrace.

I cried silently into his chest before I pulled his shirt and forced his lips upon mine, it was desperate and heart-broken and it was more passionate than it had ever been before. After a kiss like this, I never wanted to leave, yet it also defined a definite end. This was the end, not of Gray and Cass but an end of the start, we'd be back.
"I'll wait for you..." he whispered and I nodded eagerly.
"Please do. I'm sure you've always wanted to date a model." I teased, nudging him as he chuckled, the sound hallow and sad and not the  deep happy sound that had always blessed my ears.

"You need to say good bye to Ethan," he finally muttered, disappearing into the house to only appear with his twin moments later.
By the look on his face, I knew that Grayson had already told him and my heart sank.
"Don't go..." He murmured and fresh tears stained my cheeks.
"I have to, I'll be back soon." I assured as he rolled his eyes.
"A year isn't soon Cass." He said sadly, closing his eyes as though to compose himself.

"I'll be seeing you two first as soon as I'm back." I said quietly, kissing his cheek and hugging him close to me. I had no doubt that as soon as I got back I'd still have a boyfriend and a best friend.

I'd deleted and blocked their phone numbers the night before, knowing that they'd only have to text me to come back and I'd cave, returning to them and not looking back. I loved them both. I'd do anything for them, but I also had to think of myself and this was the only thing I'd ever wanted for myself. If I didn't take this, it'd be a punishment and I honestly could say that I deserved to have something I wanted.

"This isn't a goodbye, it's a see you later. I'm not gone forever, just a long period of time, and sure, it may feel like forever but you just know that it's not. You can't stay away from people you love, they draw you back like a magnet, that's just the power of attraction, whether it's love for a partner or best friend. As Hannah Montana said, you'll always find your way back home." I said quietly, not looking either of the twins in the eyes for I knew I'd cry the minute I did. I could hear their heavy, shaking breaths which confirmed they were either in tears or as close as I was.

"See you later." I whispered, kissing both of their damp cheeks gently before turning and walking towards my big break.

Sooo, this was the last chapter!
But don't worry, there's an epilogue!
I have also posted the first chapter for a new fanfic about the dolan twins titled 'Sleeping with a murderer' please check that out!
Please vote and comment if you've enjoyed!
-Ky 💜

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