T h i r t e e n

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While I was adding the finishing touches to my makeup, Grayson walked in, smiling largely when he looked at me.
"Woah, you look amazing..." He grinned, kissing my cheek softly as I blushed aggressively. His simple words always had this effect of me, and although I loved that he complimented me, I found the blushing that followed, a curse.

"Thanks..." I whispered, quite nervous for tonight and unluckily, he picked up on it.
"Don't worry babe, he'll love you." Grayson smiled while I shrugged half-heartedly.
"That's not the only thing on my mind. Ethan said we can still be friends but I haven't spoke to him since the night I told him; it's never going to be the same again..." I said sadly. I didn't want to not date Grayson, I loved him, but I didn't want to lose my best friend of 10 years.

Grayson, instead of getting jealous, nodded knowingly, "He'll forgive you, he just needs time..." He said softly and I nodded slightly, standing up, gently holding his hand as the doorbell rang.

"He's here!" Grayson cheered loudly, tugging me quickly towards the stairs and running down as fast as he could, excited to see his father who he hadn't seen for at least 10 years.

As the door opened, my eyes widened when I was greeted with the twins' father, they definitely shared some similarities. I could feel my hands becoming clammy, so I quickly wiped them on my dress and extended it towards him when his eyes landed on me.
"I'm Cassidy Jenkins, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr Dolan." I smiled, while he returned the friendly expression.
"It's a pleasure to meet you and I've heard many lovely things from both of my sons. Please call me Sean."
I nodded and sighed in relief that he liked me.

Ethan came over to me and I forced myself to make eye contact with him, unsure of what he was going to say, "Sorry."

My eyebrows furrowed- for what? There was more than one reason for him to do so.
For leaving me after the game and getting extremely drunk, for not talking to me for a week, for not keeping his promise of remaining my friend after he promised he would.
It was as though he read my mind however, as he quickly added, "For everything."

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him tightly, smiling contently when he returned the warm, strong gesture. I had honestly missed him and having him back was starting to make me emotional, yet I pulled it together and pulled away from him slowly.
"Thank you."

"Dinner's ready everyone." Lisa called, causing us all to make our way into the dining room, Grayson's arm now around my shoulder.
"See? That was easy!" He smiled, kissing my forehead and seating himself next to me. I nodded and thanked Lisa as she handed me my food before eating.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed before I could think of what I was saying and everyone laughed while I blushed once again. Why did I always make such a fool of myself?

"So Cass, what do your parents do for a living?" Sean asked, while I gulped, throwing a quick side glance at Ethan who tensed.
"My mother works in an office and m-my father... H-he's dead..." I choked and silence fell upon the room before Ethan slammed his fists on the table angrily before rising, glaring at me, "So first you leave me for my twin and then I find out you've lied to me for the past 5 years? What sort of 'best friend' are you?" He bellowed, storming up to his room while the tears I were trying to hold, fell freely down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry for your loss..." Sean said quietly, while I nodded, rising from my own seat, "I'm going to talk to him."
Everyone nodded so I wasted no time in flying up the stairs to his room, not bothering to knock before entering.
He was sat on his bed glaring angrily ahead and I gulped, quite nervous to see him like that.

"Go away." He growled, yet I pushed my fears aside and moved closer.
"I-it's me..." I informed him as he rolled his eyes.
"Exactly, go."

Any other time, I would've been gone in a blink of an eye, yet this was Ethan, he needed to hear me out, I couldn't lose him straight after getting him back.
He raised his eyebrows at my courage and motioned for me to sit on the bed. "So why did you do it? Why did you lie to me?" He asked and I looked down ashamed.

"I was in the car when he d-died. My mom and I agreed it'd be easier to lie and say he left rather than replay the situation over and over. It would've been too much for me... I didn't want to lie to you, but mom said if I wasn't telling anyone else the truth then I couldn't tell you..." I whispered, wiping my eyes, not caring that I was messing my makeup even more with this.

Sighing, he nodded, running a hand through his hair while turning to me, "I'm sorry..." He said, "I'm the bad friend, it's just, you've always meant so much to me and even though your feelings for me left, mine never left for you."

Upon hearing his words, my heart broke, he still liked me.
"I'll never stop loving you E, it just won't be anymore than as a best friend, you're the best best friend ever and I'd never want to fall out with you." I said, and instantly, I was crashed into my best friend's hard chest.

"So you forgive me?" I asked, looking up at him as he smiled down at me with a chuckle.

"You're so stupid sometimes. Of course I do."

End of chapter!
Cute scene with E and Cass!
Please remember to vote and comment, maybe say who you ship Cass with more?
-Ky 💜

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