T h r e e

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"Y-you're Ethan's t-twin..." I stuttered, still staring at him gobsmacked.

I could now clearly see why he was a model. He had chestnut brown hair, chocolatey brown orbs that sucked me in and a killer jawline that could cut ice. Not to mention the highly defined abs he had been working on only moments ago.

"Correct." He smirked, "Is Ethan so popular at school that even you know who he is?" The twin laughed, looking me up and down as I shifted uncomfortably.
"He's my best friend..." I whispered, feeling downgraded by this boy before me and upon hearing the news, he let out a harsh laugh.

"Really? My twin brother is your best friend! That's such a lie. He told me his best friend is beautiful! What's your name?" He asked, narrowing his eyes as my cheeks flushed at the idea of Ethan calling me beautiful.

"Cassidy.." I whispered as his eyes widened.
"You really are.. Why..?" He mumbled, shaking his head as I shrugged, looking down, wiping the sweat that was created due to my nervousness and not the exercise.

He stared at me for a moment before shaking his head and running his hand down his face, "Well he said I was supposed to be meeting you tonight. I wasn't expecting to be here, or for her to be you."

"Yeah.. Uh.. I'm trying to lose weight, I'm tired of getting bullied... I was supposed to come round but I turned it down to come here." I sighed, avoiding eye contact. At this, his face softened and I cringed for I hated receiving sympathy.

"Well tell you what, I haven't seen Ethan yet so how about we both surprise him and just chill for the night?" He suggested, which surprised me since he'd been so rude only moments ago.

I accepted the offer however and motioned to the changing rooms to indicate that I was going to change.
"I never got your name though," I spoke up as he turned back to look at me with a half-smile.



I quickly ran out and into the car, slightly breathless and I sorted out the seatbelt. Grayson tried not to laugh at this but I rolled my eyes and ignored him, knowing it'd be something I'd have to become accustomed to.

As he started the ignition, he also started playing music and I found he was equally as good as Ethan, maybe better. I rested my head against the seat and relaxed with a smile, enjoying the pleasant sound of Grayson's voice.

We arrived fairly fast and I got out the car, quickly trying to make myself seem more presentable. Grayson smirked as I did this and came up squishing my cheeks.
"Aww does Cassie have a cwush?" He cooed in a sarcastic baby voice but I said nothing in return as I tried to squirm from his hold that were sending tingles across my cheeks.

"N-no..." I whispered, swatting his hands away as he chuckled and ruffled my hair before jogging inside.

Loud shouts could be heard and I walked in to find both boys sprawled on the floor, Grayson having jumped on an unprepared Ethan. Huge beams were on both of their faces as they bro hugged on the ground.

Ethan was first to look up at me and his smile became even wider which I could have thought was impossible until it happened.
"Cass! You came!" He stated, before looking at Grayson, "With Gray?"

I nodded, "I was uh walking round and he saw me and offered me a lift..."

"How did he know who you were?" Ethan asked and I shifted slightly, knowing he wasn't buying the story I was telling.
"Well I knew who he was since you look identical, I just waved him over to stop so I could hitch a ride."

This time, he nodded, it wasn't unusual for me to ask people for rides and since I'd connected the dots, it sounds a pretty truthful story.

Nodding, he turned back to Grayson, the smile still plastered on his face. "Dude, I'm so glad you're here!"
"Okay, okay, no soppy stuff, we're both happy." Grayson shrugged, hugging his twin once again. I watched the scene before me with a warmed heart, resisting the urge to tell them how cute they were.

"I need to talk to Mom, I'll be back soon." Grayson smiled, before calling his mother, and locating her in the kitchen.

"So do you like him?" Ethan asked, pulling me to sit beside him on the sofa.
"He's okay.." I mumbled cautiously, not sure that I could say that I liked him due to what I'd seen so far.

"He's gonna hang with us tomorrow at school and us three are going to be such good friends!"
If he doesn't choose to bully me.

I forced a smile and allowed myself to nod and agree just for my best friend's sake. I wasn't sure that I could trust Grayson yet, but I knew I wanted to, the only reason being his highly defined abdomen. I'm a teenage girl- sue me.

"You're the best Cass!" He smiled, hugging me. The whole time I could only think of Gray's words about Ethan calling me beautiful, surely he didn't mean me..
Despite this, I still hugged him back, a small smile remaining on my face.

It was then that Grayson walked back in.
"Split it up love birds. I don't wanna vomit!" He smirked, winking at me causing me to blush violently.
"As if!" Ethan laughed, causing my face to drop.
I knew he only meant in a way to say we're best friends so it won't happen, yet the words still hurt.

I looked up to see Grayson staring at me intensely, studying me. I tried to keep a barrier up yet it was no use and he quickly searched me, seeming to find all my secrets that not even Ethan knew and that scared me.

"Come on, let's watch a movie."

End of chapter!
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