N i n e

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"What's wrong?" Ethan asked, stroking my hair as I watched the film beside him. This was something I didn't like about him, he always knew exactly what I was thinking, sometimes it was a blessing, today however, it wasn't. He definitely couldn't know what I was thinking.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I whispered as I could practically feel him roll his eyes.
"You've never sounded more like a girl." He told me, sitting up and looking at me.

I shrugged and avoided eye contact, Ethan had a habit of making me spill secrets by looking me in the eye a certain way and now would definitely be a time that he'd use it. I simply looked down instead and hoped he'd drop the subject, which luckily, he did but not until he gave me a warning.
"I will find out." He told me whilst I remained quiet.

It was then, that Grayson walked in- shirtless. I couldn't help but let my eyes roam his toned abs and large biceps yet I quickly had to tear my gaze away before Ethan saw.
"Can I watch the film guys?" Grayson asked and my eyes widened while Ethan smiled.
"Sure. I'm just gonna get some more popcorn from the shop though, so pause the film for me!" He said before standing and grabbing the keys, leaving only moments later.

Gray paused the film then looked at me, "Honestly Cass, you look so beautiful every time I see you and it's getting harder to control my feelings..." He muttered, moving closer to me, his lips brushing mine. My heart beat became erratic and I only stared at him until his lips crashed against mine and my eyes closed involuntarily.

His lips were rougher than Ethan's yet the fireworks proved that I preferred this. He took control of both of our actions and turned it into passion that radiated throughout the both of us. He pulled away slowly, both of us slightly breathless in the best possible way.
"I'm really sorry but I had to do that... Why did you kiss back..?" He asked, his eyes locking with mine until I looked down guiltily.

"As soon as Ethan kissed me once I agreed to be his girlfriend... I realised that you were the one..." I said quietly. Grayson stared at me in shock as though he wouldn't believe what was being said, then a large smile overcome his features.
"I know I should feel bad that you like me not Ethan but right now I'm glad that our feelings are mutual. You need to tell him though Cass."

I nodded in response, "I know but I'll feel bad!"
"He'll feel worse once he finds out, especially the longer you keep this from him.." Grayson replied and I knew that he was right, of course he was. These twins spoke such wisdom that sometimes it became a little irritating.

It was then that Ethan decided to bless us again with his presence. His smile held so much love and sincerity that my stomach churned. Pouring the popcorn into the bowl, he looked at me once again with furrowed eyebrows, "Cass, are you really okay?"
I knew he didn't believe that I was, yet I still nodded, not prepared to tell him yet.
"Ethan..?" I said quietly, causing him to instantly turn and look at me.
"Yeah?" He asked, sitting beside me, while Grayson held my hand out of eyesight.
"Will we always be best friends?" I asked, my voice wobbling.
His expression softened and Grayson let go of my hand quickly as Ethan pulled me into a hug.
"Of course."
"No matter what I do?" I pressed, needing the reassurance.
"No matter what." He promised.

"Cass, he said he'd still be your best friend no matter what. You need to tell him."

It was currently 2am. Ethan had gone to sleep and I couldn't sleep due to the heavy feeling of guilt that seemed to suffocate me. Grayson slept rarely and when he heard movement in my room, he checked up on me to find me pacing across my room.

"I know I do but I can't find the words! Even when I'm just practising! I open my mouth and it turns as dry as sandpaper! I can't keep lying to him but I physically can't tell him!" I sobbed, feeling Grayson's strong arms wrap around me and pull me closer to his large chest.

"Hey, don't cry... Take your time, you're worth waiting for."
Tears obscured my vision yet I looked at Grayson and forced a small smile, gripping onto his t-shirt weakly. He returned the smile, stroking my hair until the tears subsided.

"Let's talk about something else..." He said softly, "Like how much better you are at the gym already! It's only been 5 days and you can already run for longer on the treadmills." He smiled, as I perked up at the change in subject.
"And I've increased my reps to 10 with my squatting!" I added, my pride rocketing due only managing 3 beforehand.
"I know! I'm so proud of you Cass." Gray smiled, taking my hand gently and tugging me towards the bed.

I yawned and laid down, my eyes fluttering shut yet fighting to stay open, "It's okay, go to sleep..." Grayson whispered gently, kissing my forehead.
"Stay..." I whispered, grabbing his hand tiredly.
"You know I can't Cass, Ethan can't see us together yet, especially in bed, no matter how innocent it may be..." He told me, allowing me to nod sadly, of course, he was right once again.

"Okay..." I sighed, my hand slowly disconnecting from his, while he kissed my cheek and left, whispering a faint, "I love you" on his way out.

End of chapter!
Ethan or Grayson?
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-Ky 💜

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