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"I didn't want to tell you because I was embarrassed..." I mumbled, looking down as Ethan stared at me as though I was crazy.
"Cass you don't have to be embarrassed with me, I would never intentionally hurt you, or tease you, I'd only support you!" He murmured, stroking my hair in a somewhat comforting manner.

I nodded slowly, "I know that but I wasn't gonna tell anyone, not even my parents, it's just that Grayson was there last night when I was..." I told him, resting my head on his shoulder. He was being so kind and understanding yet I couldn't help but feel bad for lying to him and hiding things that weren't even a big deal.

Ethan nodded at my response and took me to the bleachers to calm down. I usually hated the idea of skipping lessons because I thought education was important. I wasn't good at practical tasks, I think explains itself, yet I really loved finding out new information and using it in my work. Many people called me a geek for this, yet I didn't care. If being a geek helped me with my future job, then so be it.

After the period finished, it was break. Grayson instantly came sprinting over. He honestly looked adorable and incredibly hot at the same time yet I forced myself to shake these thoughts away since he was the cause for my daily mocking.

"Cass! It's okay! I've told everyone to stop bullying you! They're gonna stop!" He told me quickly and excitedly. Although this should've been the greatest news I could receive, I still felt unsatisfied. I should just not be bullied because I'm me, I should be accepted for who I am, not because someone told them to.

"Th-thanks..." I forced out, not bothering to look at him in fear that I'd burst out crying. I really was grateful, but I couldn't help but feel slightly angry that I couldn't change the taunting myself.

Grayson nodded before pulling me into a hug and although I wasn't the happiest with him, I welcomed the hug since it was comforting and warm. I found myself even wrapping my chubby arms around his painfully slim body.

The bell then rang to signal the end of break, little did I know what was to come.


"I'm not going back in!" I sobbed. I was sat in Ethan's car and I was drenched in various foods and drinks. Grayson's talk to them didn't work. Instead, it caused the girls to become extremely jealous of me and therefore riled their ugly side.

Through the lessons I'd had chips thrown at me along with chewed up gum and pieces of chocolate yet it was lunch when the grand finale happened. As I'd bought lunch, I was making my way to my usual table with Ethan when I was tripped and as I was laid flat out of the floor, everyone began to tip their lunch onto me. The loud laughter once again haunted me for the second time that day and I remained frozen and embarrassed until Ethan gently removed me from the situation.

Again, this was all down to Grayson.

"Cass, I'm actually so sorry! I had no idea that this would happen! I'm gonna help you so much! Just be homeschooled until it's sorted!"

"You can't just become homeschooled Grayson!" I snapped as he smirked.
"You can! Our mom's a homeschool teacher!"

"Oh yeah.." I mumbled as I glanced at Ethan for his approval.
"It could work.." He muttered as he scratched the back of his neck in an attractive manner.
Therefore, I turned back to Grayson, "Let's do it!"

"Great! To the gym!" Grayson instructed, getting in the back of the car as Ethan started the ignition with a smile.
"Just remember Cass, personality matters most and I was the first to notice yours.."

I nodded, not quite sure what he meant, I'm not going to replace him as my best friend any time soon, so why did he have to remind me? I'd always remember him.

As soon as we got to the gym, Grayson led me over to the rowing machine and set a timer for 10 minutes.
"Go at your own pace, don't worry if you have to stop but try the best you can to keep it up for the set time."
I nodded and began, trying to avoid Ethan's burning gaze as Grayson left to use the treadmill.

I paused for a moment to plug in my earphones and as soon as the music blasted through my ears, I felt a new motivation and began to row more enthusiastically.

Finally, the timer sounded and Grayson jogged over shirtless, his chiselled body slick with sweat and I couldn't help but gawk slightly at the beautiful body before me.

"Treadmill now."
I nodded and made my way over to the treadmill and without saying anything I fell into step with Grayson, deciding that the best way to get fit would be to copy Grayson's actions as he was quite clearly very fit.

I managed to keep up the intense pace for 15 minutes before I stumbled off and dragged my fatigued body to Ethan who smiled at me.
"You was actually so good Cass!" He grinned, giving me a high five before passing me some clean clothes and sending me on my way to shower.

While the hot water cascaded down my aching body, I couldn't help but let my mind wander to what Ethan had said, he said it with such sincerity that it worried me slightly, of course he's been here, of course personality matters most but it doesn't hurt to look and feel good too. I was doing this for myself, and maybe Grayson, but I always know to remain myself.

"Cass, we'll meet you in the car!" Ethan yelled over the pattering of the water.
I shouted an okay in response and quickly finished so I wouldn't keep them waiting too long before changing into the comfy clothes that Ethan provided.

He truly was the best.

End of chapter!
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- Ky 💜

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