T w e n t y - t w o

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I was lounging about with Grayson, my head resting lazily on his lap, while his fingers stroked absentmindedly through my hair. Ethan still hadn't come around and I was getting increasingly more worried as time went on. I still wanted him as a friend, was that too much to ask?

I hadn't told Grayson about my spotting yet either, I didn't think there was much point, it could all result to nothing, or it could propel me into the world of fame... I was favouring the first, there was no point in getting my hopes up when I wouldn't be wanted for any jobs.

There was a film on TV yet I wasn't paying attention, I was directing all my focus on the feel of Grayson's hands gently massaging my head- it was much needed after all the stress I had recently experienced.
"You okay?" He asked, his voice deep and husky.
My knees turned to jelly as each word escaped his perfectly kissable lips.
I nodded slowly yet we both knew I could never be okay until I knew I still had my best friend.

Coincidentally, that's when he chose to walk through the front door. I stared at him, not moving and just awaiting his next moves. He took large strides across the room to me and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.
"You can't help who you fall for and I realised that it shouldn't be you that I'm mad at. I'll always be here for you Cass. Any guy is lucky to have you as a girlfriend and I can truthfully say I'm honoured to be your best friend. Sure, it'd be nice to be more but since that isn't possible, this is the second best thing and it's pretty darn close."

My eyes welled up at his heartfelt speech and the tears flowed freely as I kissed his cheek gently, "Thank you..." I whispered, laughing through my tears as he jokingly held his hand to the place I kissed him, "I'll never wash this cheek again!" He cooed in a girly voice, causing me to laugh harder, resulting in more tears streaming down my cheeks.

Gray was also grinning as he came over and slapped Ethan on the back. "You have no idea how much this means to her bro..." Gray said quietly.
"Yeah well I'm doing it for her, not you." Ethan replied in a hushed yet angry tone.
I don't think I was supposed to hear that.

It was that moment, that my phone began to ring. I excused myself and answered the phone to hear Jack's friendly tone.
"Hello twinkle toes! I have good news! You've been booked! Gucci have asked you to do a mini spread and to audition for their show! You may not get the show however, as you're not experienced."
As the words sunk in my eyes widened, "No way! When is it?" I asked excitedly, eager to begin straight away.
"It's next week in Italy."
Italy?! That was so far! Did I really wanna go all the way to Italy for a photo shoot?
Yes. Yes I did.

"Okay. I'll definitely be there! Don't worry!" I said excitedly, while I heard Jack scream down the phone.
"Yay! See you then! I'll text you more deets." He sang, hanging up, leaving my head reeling.

"Cass, are you okay?" Grayson asked concerned, coming in with a worried expression. "You've been a while."
I nodded, "I'm good." I smiled, stopping myself from telling them about the news I just received. It could be cancelled at any moment and I didn't want to make a fool of myself.
He relaxed in satisfaction and I wrapped him up in my arms.

Ethan then entered, staring at us for a moment before quickly diverting his eyesight.
"You guys wanna hit the gym?" He asked, causing me to nod eagerly, it had been too long since I'd been to the place that completely changed my life.

I grabbed my clothes and got in the car, even whooping in excitement when we pulled up outside. I quickly scrambled out and ran to the changing rooms, looking at myself in the mirror once ready. I really had changed in this short period of time and I couldn't be prouder of myself.

I walked out and went straight over to the weights, carefully choosing a significantly light weight due to me being new in this area. I began to squat when I felt Grayson press against me.
"You're doing it wrong..."
His hot breath fanned my ear and I found myself getting flustered as he gently repositioned me so I was in the correct stance.

I nodded when he slowly removed himself and I began to squat once again. My butt began to burn after only 10 reps and I could feel someone staring at me. I turned to confirm my suspicions and found both Ethan and Grayson staring at my butt.

I narrowed my eyes at them as they both quickly looked away, a slight red decorating their cheeks, causing triumph to flush through my body as I made them feel a fraction of the embarrassment that they always made me feel.

I decided to then move on as although having the twins staring at me was flattering, it also made me slightly uncomfortable. I therefore chose the safe bet of the treadmill. I stayed for a while before I couldn't continue and hopped off, using a towel to mop up my glisten.

"You're honestly a gym beast Cass!" Gray smiled, kissing my forehead, causing me to blush profusely.
"Yeah, you're good." Ethan smiled warmly and my heart filled with gratitude that he pushed his feelings away to stay friends with me.

I don't know how I'd survive without them at my shoot...

End of chapter!
Woo Cass is a model!
Are you glad Ethan's come around?
-Ky 💜

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