F o u r

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I found myself sandwiched between the twins, a bowl of popcorn on my lap that we were supposed to be sharing yet it was obvious that I'd had more than my fair share, not that the guys seemed to care.

I did though.

It reminded me that no matter what I did, I'd always be a big girl, and like my mother says, big girls just aren't beautiful. These thoughts consumed me and took my attention away from the film. Grayson somehow noticed and discreetly leaned closer, his hot breath fanning my ear, causing my cheeks to flush.
"You okay?"
I nodded, deciding against speaking, hoping he'd just divert his attention back to the film. Of course, my hopes are never seen to.

He gently took my hand in his and I couldn't help but cringe for my meaty, short fingers were embarrassing compared to his large hand. Not saying a word, he began to draw small circles on the palm, igniting small ripples of electricity throughout my body.

I tried to pay attention to the film yet the only thing that my mind could think about was the hot guy and the feelings he caused for me, not to mention that he was my best friend's twin!

The tingles were beginning to become overpowering and slightly uncomfortable due to the rush of many emotions that raced throughout my body simultaneously. Slowly, I pulled away my hand from his grasp, avoiding eye contact.

As soon as my eyes diverted to the screen, his arm snaked around my waist and his fingers slowly brushed the exposed skin where my shirt lifted. The small action caused me shudder which became noticeable to Ethan.

"You cold?" He asked, as I shrugged. He smiled fondly and handed me a blanket that I took gratefully and draped over the 3 of us.

Grayson smirked, his head leaning closer to mine once again, "The effect I have on you is so cute. Shame I don't go for fat girls." He whispered.

The words hit me hard and I could feel my eyes well up at an alarming rate as his words sunk in.

I pushed myself up from the sofa and quickly walked out of the room, trying to hurry up the stairs into my safe room as quickly as possible. I'd claimed this room as a place I could go to when I needed to think or wanted to be on my own.

Today was different.

Only seconds after I entered the room, the door crashed open again.

"What are you doing in my room?"

I looked up and my eyes locked with Grayson's, my stomach still somersaulting despite his previous comment. I didn't let him know this however and rolled my eyes, shoving him out of the way as I walked out straight into Ethan's arms.

"Cass, are you okay?" He asked worriedly, brushing the hair from my face.
"I'm fine..." I whispered, not glancing at the boy behind me, "Just felt a little sick."

He nodded and didn't press further. He knew it wasn't the truth. I knew exactly where the toilet was and I wouldn't go to my -well, now Grayson's- room if I thought I was going to throw up.

"You wanna stay the night? If you're still feeling ill tomorrow then I'll drop you off home on the way to school okay?"

I nodded gratefully and went into the guest room, changing into joggers and an oversized t-shirt that wasn't so oversized for the likings of me.

The Dolan family were quite wealthy, obviously this was expected due to the supermodel son, and therefore the guest room had an en suite.
I went in and looked around for I hadn't been in there before and I inspected myself in the full-length mirror that showed my obesity in all its glory.

I picked out every detail that was wrong with me and glared at the reflection which copied menacingly and suddenly, it became too much to handle.

I sank to the ground in front of the toilet and only moments later all the food that I'd consumed during the day were falling into the water at the bottom of the bowl.

Both the twins instantly came running in at the sound of my retching and Ethan soothingly stroked my back as Grayson tied my hair up for me.
"You genuinely did feel ill..." Ethan murmured as though he was trying to convince himself. I simply nodded, avoiding eye contact.

I could feel Grayson's gaze burning into the side of my head yet I forced myself not to give into it as I knew that my eyes meeting his would give it all away.

"I'm gonna go get you a glass of water, I'll be right back," Ethan informed me, leaving the room, meaning I'd have to face Grayson.

"Why did you do it?" He muttered, almost angrily as I kept my face neutral and turned to face him.

"I don't know what you mean." I said innocently as Grayson grabbed my chin lightly, and gently tugged me closer to him.
"I know my comment hurt you but I was going to offer to help, this isn't the healthy way." He said lowly as the anger began to bubble internally.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Grayson, I'm fine!" I snapped, hitting his hand away as Ethan walked in.

"Are you okay..?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at Grayson who returned the look with what seemed to be an unreadable expression. Ethan was first to tear his eyes away with a shake of a head and a sigh.

I accepted the glass of water and chugged it down, eager to be free from the sour taste in my mouth.

Smoothing my shirt down, I stood and waddled over to the bed, sinking down with my head hung low. I didn't like laying in front of others and Ethan knew, which was why he left when I sat. Of course, Grayson didn't know this but luckily he didn't have much to say.

"Cassidy, you'll do it, just not like this."


End of chapter!
Team Grayson or nah?
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