E l e v e n

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"Can you tell me after the game?" Ethan asked, begging me with his eyes, as he kept glancing at his team who kept beckoning him over. I had gathered up the courage to finally tell him how I felt after a long chat with Grayson, the problem was, I'd chose the worse time to tell him for he was about the start the football game and the team needed to talk about tactics. In reply, I nodded defeatedly and trudged up the steps to my seat beside Grayson, who looked at me expectantly.

"I didn't do it, his team needed to talk to him." I said, looking down at my lap.
"You need to tell him Cass, straight after this game. Sure, I want you so badly, but the main reason is that it's not fair on him. He loves you and it's a one sided relationship. You need to let him go."
I nodded, I knew that! I just didn't want to see the hurt on his face once I broke the news. This wasn't a situation where I thought that I was amazing and he worshipped the ground I walked on, but I knew he loved me from his actions, expressions and the way he talked to me. I only wished I could treat him the same way, yet I couldn't. My heart belonged to his twin brother.

Grayson's hand rested reassuringly on my thigh, fighting away the nerves that were resurfacing, urging me to not tell Ethan, but I couldn't do that to him. He was my best friend before my boyfriend and the last thing I'd want would be to lose him. It'd be torture having my first best friend tore from me.

Before anything else could be said, the game started and as usual, I cheered as loudly as I could. I've always attended all of Ethan's games and always cheered as loudly as I could in hope that I'd get to wear his varsity jacket. It always went to a cheerleader. Today, however, my cheering was forced and I didn't really pay attention to the game. This was proven when Grayson grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to the seat.
"I know you're distracted but at least try not to cheer when the other team scores."
I looked up and sure enough, the other team were hugging each other and cheering.

With a sigh, I began to pay attention to the game so I could cheer at the appropriate moments. All the while, the sickening worrying poisoned my body, and Grayson's hand no longer pushed the worries away.

As the game came to an end, I watched as Ethan ran up to me with a huge grin on his face, and it took all I could to force a small smile in return.
"You won!" I smiled softly, inhaling his comforting scent as he embraced me.
"I did, and, this is for you." He mumbled, placing his jacket around me shoulders.
I glanced at Grayson and he nodded, urging me to tell Ethan what I been hiding.

"E-Ethan... I can't accept this. I-I don't l-love you the way you want. Y-you're my best friend... I'm really sorry. I-I also have feelings for someone else, it wouldn't be fair to lead you on."
Tears were running down my cheeks and I kept my head down to avoid his eyes, yet his hand slowly lifted my chin up and I found what I was dreading. His eyes were clouded with upset and it broke me.
"Cass, it's fine..." He whispered, his voice cracking. "I'll always be your best friend. Who's the guy, he's lucky and I want to know he'll treat you right..." He said quietly, quickly wiping his eyes.

An arm snaked around my waist and I looked up at Grayson, who bit his lip nervously. "That would be me."
"Of course." Ethan laughed, a loud, empty sound that cut right through me. "You always take everything off of me."

With that, he jogged over to his team mates, masking his emotions with a forced smile, yet the sadness still lingered and I couldn't have felt worse. Grayson held me tighter and I moved into his hold, letting my tears finally fall freely.

"It's okay, you did the right thing..." He whispered, kissing the top of my head, causing warmth to spread throughout my skull. I look up at him and he gently wipes my tears.
"Even when you cry you look beautiful..." He smiled, causing me to force a weak smile through my tears. He was such a liar but he made me feel a lot better.

"Can we go to the gym? I could really use a punch bag right now..." I sniffled as Grayson chuckled slightly.
We clamoured into the car and arrived at the gym in minutes. I quickly pulled on a pair of boxing gloves and instantly began throwing punches at the heavy bag hanging before me.
"Hey! Hey..."

My upper arm was gently grabbed and I was turned to face Grayson whose hands cupped mine carefully.
"Don't tuck your thumbs in, you could break one..." He murmured, moulding my fist correctly to ensure I don't injure myself.
"Now go..." He smiled and I nodded, throwing punches at the bag with all my force. I wasn't bothered about hip rotations since I wasn't there for weight lose or toning. I was simply there to let off some steam.

Once I was physically exhausted, I sat on the bench, gulping down water, resting my sweaty head on Grayson's shoulder.
"You won't believe me because you're so insecure but you looked so hot doing that..." He murmured, and I smiled as I looked up into his hypnotising eyes that lured me closer until our lips touched.

He kissed me softly and passionately, while I returned his actions with just as many emotions. His kisses washed away my worries and I forgot about what I had done and how much pain I caused.

Pulling away slowly, I stared at Grayson.
"Cass. I want you to meet my dad. He's coming to town."
My eyes widened at the news, the twins' dad hadn't been to see Ethan since he was very young, I don't know if he'd seen Grayson either, but I'm glad he wasn't going to be back in the twins' life. I, however, was terrified.

I was going to meet Daddy Dolan.

End of chapter!
Woo she finally told him!
Poor Eeteeweetee!
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-Ky 💜

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