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I heard footsteps jogging to catch me up and a moment later Ethan was beside me. Once he caught sight of my fat, blotchy face, he led me out of the canteen to a blocked off corridor where we always went if we needed to be alone.

I sat down, leaning against the wall as he rubbed my back in what I guess was supposed to be a comforting motion. My body racked with each sob and this only contributed to the cause of more breathlessness.

"Why did you do it Cass, why did you let them embarrass you like that?"
Hearing the words from Ethan's mouth hit me even harder and this only led to more waterworks from me. I angrily wiped at my eyes yet more replaced where they had previously been so I saved myself the effort and allowed them to splash on my man clothes.

"I-I didn't mean to, I-I was just hungry." My voice was barely above a whisper and each word was interrupted by a violent hiccup. I didn't meet Ethan's gaze, I was too embarrassed, yet he still stayed beside me and comforted me.

"Do you want me to try and get you out of that family thing?" He asked, gently moving my hair from being in my face. Again, as it did this morning, the panic rose and I quickly declined.
"It's okay, it's really important..." I mumbled, fiddling with my hands on my lap.

He nodded slowly and didn't question it any further, we remained in comfortable silence until the bell suddenly awoke, causing us both to jerk in surprise. Ethan was first to stand, dusting his jeans off before extending his hand towards me.

I shook my head slowly, "I don't wanna go to class..."
Ethan paused, a look of conflict overcoming his face before he seated himself beside me once again.
"Best friends stick together." A small smile spread across my face at this and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Wait... Don't you have football practice this period? Coach will be so mad if you don't show up, go!" I encouraged, knowing how harsh the coach will be at Ethan if he doesn't show up.

"Some people are worth having Coach's wrath for..." He murmured, flashing me a goofy smile which caused my heart to flutter- slightly of course.

"You did not just quote Frozen!" I laughed as he looked at me with a smirk.
"Girl, you know I did."

I shook my head with a smile and kissed his cheek before realising what I was doing.
"I-I'm sorry.." I mumbled as he stared at me in shock.
"It's uh all good..." He rubbed the back of his neck as I glanced around, suddenly feeling unsure and uncomfortable around him.

We stayed in silence for a moment before Ethan cleared his throat and began speaking, "So uh for the chemistry project, I was thinking, we could do some reactions with the alkali metals."

I let out a long breath of relief and nodded eagerly, just grateful for the change of subject to avoid the awkwardness of the exchanged moment.
"Sounds good, maybe we can prove the reactions or something..?" I said quietly, hating how abnormal my voice had suddenly become, as though I couldn't speak as usual because of what had occurred. It was Ethan, my best friend! He could easily forgive me, he did forgive me.

He agreed with my suggestion and began creating fun ideas we can present it with, something he'd seen on YouTube by the "Dolan Neighbours", they were his favourite YouTubers due to only the fact that they shared the same surname.

The ideas kept flowing and before we knew it, it was the end of the day. I slowly pulled myself up and Ethan glanced at me, "Wanna lift?"
I contemplated the offer in my head, it would be unusual for me to say no yet every little change could contribute to my new wanted healthy lifestyle.

Eventually, I denied. "I think I'm gonna walk today."
Ethan's eyes widened at my words and I shrugged with a half-hearted smile.
"Are you sure?" Ethan pressed and I grimaced as I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking about a fat girl like me waddling home, wondering what was going through my food-fuelled mind, wondering why an overweight slob such as myself actually wanted to move and be productive and active.

"Yes I'm sure!" I snapped, a little more harshly that I intended to and I saw Ethan quickly flinch before composing himself, "Okay.. I'll text you later."

I nodded and began to walk off, already regretting it as my legs began to ache from walking down the stairs. I stopped momentarily and caught my breath at the bottom before starting my walk to the gym.

The only thoughts running through my mind during this journey, apart from the fact that my bag was a lot heavier, was my lips pressed against Ethan's cheek. It felt right yet I'm sure it wasn't true love.

By time I reached the dreaded building my forehead was already slick with sweat and I groaned at my appearance.

I stormed into the changing room and tried to ignore the disgusted stared I'd become accustomed to as I pulled on my gym top and pants. I tied my straggly locks into a pony tail and wiped the sweat off my forehead with toilet paper before spraying a lot of deodorant underneath each armpit.

I gave myself a final once over in the mirror and although I was mortified by my physique, I now had a new found respect for the girl in front of me because now, she finally wanted a change.

Gaining confidence, I stepped into the machine room, glancing around quickly. I was clearly the biggest one there yet I wasn't too fussed as I made my way to the treadmill. I set it on the slowest mode and decided to start basic, I hit play on my playlist and began to start, walking continually, focusing on my music more than the walking.

I didn't know how long I was walking but I was jerked from my musical daydreams when someone tapped my shoulder and pulled my earphone from my ear.

"Fatty, as much as I'm bewildered at how long you've been on here, the gym's closed."

I cringed at the nickname and turned, my stomach flipping rapidly. It was Ethan, but hotter, it was Ethan's twin.

Holy fudge cake. He exploded my ovaries.


End of chapter!
Grayson has arrived!
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