T w e n t y

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(( please read authors note at end! It's important!! ))

Due to my performance earlier regarding Colton, I had received much attention from my fellow classmates and their reactions varied greatly. Some were shocked at my newfound confidence, some were disgusted by me and others were welcoming and kind, and despite their new friendly demeanour, I couldn't forget how they treated me before I'd changed myself. They hadn't always been this kind.

I'd been searching for Grayson all lunch because a small part of me hoped that he realised that I was still the same girl he fell in love with. I knew I'd changed and I also knew that deep down he also knew, it was just fear that pulled him to believe otherwise. All I wanted was to convince him that I wasn't dangerous and I still loved him yet he hadn't given me the chance.

My heart felt heavy as I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't find him. With a sigh, I went to my locker, deciding against eating; I lost my appetite anyway. Grabbing my books, I was stopped by one of Grayson's best friend's, Tom Boye.

"Hi Cassidy." He smirked; I frowned at him.
"Uh hey?" Tom had never spoken to me before so him trying to make conversation was extremely weird and caused my brain to become slightly cautious. What did he want?
"So why did Grayson break up with you? Wasn't good enough in bed?" He sneered, my mouth dropping open at his menacing tone and hurtful words.

Anger flared throughout me and I clenched my fists, counting silently in my head to try and subside the burning emotion that flushed throughout me. Glaring at him, I saw him thinking for a moment.
"Wanna punch me? Go ahead." He urged and I felt my arm lifting slightly yet I forced it back down quickly.

"No." I ground out, causing shock to flicker across his eyes before he composed himself as though he never faulted.
"Come on hit me, punch me, beat me to the ground! Just hit me!" He dared, causing my anger to grow.
"No!" I screamed, "I'm not going to punch you okay?"
"Why?" He shouted back.
"Because I don't want to hurt you!" I whispered, hot, frustrated tears now racing down my cheeks.

It was this moment when Grayson appeared, wrapping me in a tight hug, his hand rubbing my back comfortingly.
"You have changed..." he murmured, as I stared up at him with wide, teary eyes.
"I'm sorry Cass. I didn't actually mean anything I said, it was a test or something." Tom explained, patting my back gently.

I nodded at him kindly before turning my attention back to the boy who was cupping my face gently. Slowly, he leant in and our lips found each other's so perfectly it was as though they'd never been apart, yet so desperately it was as though they'd been apart forever.
My arms looped around his neck and he held my waist gently, carefully tugging me closer to his large body.

Slowly pulling away, a light blush decorated my cheeks and a smile made its way to my face, and I was positive that it couldn't be wiped off.
"I missed you..." I said quietly, looking at him as an endless void of emotion appeared behind his eyes. He didn't need to say anything in response, his eyes said it all, and they said everything to make me forgive him and love him all over again.

"Wow, good one." Ethan suddenly spoke, a sad smile on his face as he took in the both of us.
"I'm glad you're happy Cass, but I'm not happy with who you're dating. I should be happy but I can't, not when I stayed faithfully by your side when my brother saw you differently and left. I can't stop loving you, I wish I could as it'd make everything easier but I just can't." The hurt in his voice broke me yet I loved Grayson, everyone knew and no one could change it, and for that, I felt awful, but I wasn't prepared to give up my own happiness, no matter how selfish that sounded.

Once Ethan realised what I had been thinking, he shook his head, walking off quickly, making me feel awful. Tears threatened to spill yet I quickly pushed them back, they didn't however, go unnoticed from Grayson as he hugged me tightly, providing me the comfort I needed.
"Don't worry, he'll come round." He told me, yet I felt the doubt that I heard in his voice and if I knew Ethan, this had been the final straw as I'd left him once again.

"Let's get out of here, I'll buy you ice cream..." He said quietly, knowing that he was planning on cheering me up as ice cream always did. His intentions were good and I agreed to his offer yet a small part of me told me that this would be the first time that the creamy, frozen treat couldn't cheer me up.

Nonetheless I followed Grayson to the car, climbing into the passenger seat, feeling slightly more at ease as Grayson's hand found my knee.
"I didn't mean to come between you two. If you want, I'll go back and it can all be the same, as it used to be, when your life was easier."
I forced a laugh at this, "My life has never been easy Gray."

After this, no other words were exchanged and I was grateful for this as I appreciated silence and always used it to think in a time of crisis such as today. The problem however, was that I couldn't think of a way to fix this. The pain in his voice was so pure, raw and certain that it was as though he could never get through this to forgive me. Fate had a funny way of punishing me and it was as though all they wanted me to know was that I couldn't have both the twins in my life. I had to make a decision.

Best friend or boyfriend?

End of chapter!
Okay so I know you're all probably thinking what's this authors note about? Okay so basically on Tuesday I'm going on holiday for two weeks and it's to Disneyworld so I'm sure you know where this is going. I won't be able to write for two weeks! The good news is I'll try and write on the plane but it's most likely that there won't be an update for two weeks. Sorry!
Please vote and comment who you think Cass should choose!
-Ky 💜

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