Two - Same Class

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"Aomine?"  He hissed, looking over at the bluenette sitting next to him.

Aomine looked over when he heard his name called.  His eyes widened when he saw Kagami sitting there.  "You?"

Kagami furrowed his brow, "What are you doing here?"

"Me?"  He said a little too loudly and got a few looks from the students sitting around them.  "What are you doing here?"

"This is my class," he couldn't stop staring at Aomine, "Don't tell me you're in this class too?"

"Tch, I am, so what?"  Aomine leaned back in the chair, looking toward the front of the classroom, "Can't say I expected to see you in a random class like this.  I mean who takes philosophy?"

"I could ask you the same thing!"  Kagsmi couldn't imagine that Aomine was actually interested in this class.  He was probably taking it because he thought it'd be easy to get an A.

Aomine shrugged, folding his hands behind his head, "I just signed up for classes that worked best with my schedule."

"With your schedule... that's what I did, but I did it because I'm on the basketball team..." he swallowed, staring at Aomine.  He should've known as soon as he saw him that Aomine would also be on the college team, he just had to make sure.

"Tch," he clicked his tongue, looking back at Kagami with an annoyed expression, "Dammit, this means we're going to have to be teammates.  I don't want to play with my rival."

"That's the only thing bothering you?"  Kagami hissed again, "This means that we're practically going to be spending all our time together if we're in all the same classes and on the same team!"  Kagami wouldn't mind spending so much time with Aomine, he still felt undeniably in love with him.  But Kagami knew that would only make it harder to hang out with him, Aomine was all into girls and those slutty magazines.  He couldn't imagine Aomine ever feeling the same way about him.

[an: sorry for the short update but I hope you're liking this! What do you think of it so far?? 😊]

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