Nine - If it Feels Good

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Kagami stayed in close to Aomine, their lips a breath apart.  They'd parted from the kiss when they both climaxed.  Kagami felt like he would end their moment if he pulled too far away.  He didn't want to lose Aomine after just one day.

After a moment, Aomine's navy eyes looked up into Kagami's ruby ones.  He smirked, tightening his grip on Kagami's hips, "Was that so hard?"

He almost wished that Aomine hadn't spoken.  He just wanted to savor the fantasy of Aomine loving him for just a little bit longer.  He shook his head slightly and leaned back.  He could see Aomine's face and his classic smirk clearly now.  Kagami couldn't keep from turning a deep shade of red.  He'd really just done it with Aomine.  It almost didn't feel real.

"You're so funny," Aomine snickered, still holding onto Kagami's hips.

"What do you mean?"  Kagami narrowed his eyes at Aomine.

Aomine shrugged, "I said I wanted you to show me what being with a guy was like.  And you bottomed for me."

"Well... I," Kagami blushed darker, turning his head away from Aomine.  He just couldn't bear to look at him, this situation was getting more embarrassing by the moment.

"I didn't tell you to," Aomine leaned closer to breathe in Kagami's ear, "You chose to."

Kagami swallowed, he needed to be strong.  He tried his best to calm down and keep his face from heating up again.  He looked back at Aomine, trying to keep as straight a face he could, "Are you saying you wanted me to top you?"

Aomine pushed his lip out, thinking for a moment.  A devious look formed on his face, "I'm not saying I wouldn't have let you."

It took Kagami a minute to process what he heard and he honestly wasn't sure if he should believe Aomine or not.  He shook his head,  pushing himself up and off Aomine's lap.  He looked down at Aomine, he should've known Aomine was only here for the experience and nothing more.  "Did you get what you want?"

Aomine jutted his lower lip out again, thinking as he shook his head.  He stood up, standing dangerously close to Kagami, "It felt good for you, right?"

All Kagami could do was blush in response.  Aomine grinned wide.  He grabbed Kagami's wrist and started pulling him out of the living room.  Kagami's eyes widened, he wasn't sure what Aomine was up to.  "Wh-where are you going?"

Aomine glanced back at Kagami, his lips curling into a device smirk, "If it felt good, why not do it again?"

Kagami's brow hit the ceiling as Aomine dragged him into his own bedroom.

[AN: I hope you like this update! What do you think of Aomine's reaction to the encounter? Did you expect that? Have an idea where it's going? ;) Thoughts!]

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