Eighteen - Play a Game

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Aomine took their empty plates to the kitchen, saying as he went, "We should do something."

Kagami turned his chair looking after Aomine.  He had a suspicion of what Aomine meant.  He wasn't opposed to doing more, he just wasn't quite ready to yet.  He gulped, laughing a little as he said, "Have something in mind?"

Aomine walked back out to the table moments later, shrugging, "I don't know, something simple, fun.  Like truth or dare."

"With two people?"  Kagami looked at Aomine, eyes wide.  That was definitely not what he'd been expecting Aomine to suggest.

"Yeah, why not," Aomine glared back at Kagami, "Not scared are you?"

"No!"  Kagami leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest.  Though if he was totally honest, he was a bit nervous.  He was never good at these kinds of games.  He always got horribly embarrassed and couldn't do anything.

Aomine smirked, leaning closer to Kagami, "Then how about I ask you first."  Kagami's blood drained from his face, but he didn't dare tell Aomine no.  Aomine laughed, "So, truth or dare?"

Against his better judgment, he found himself saying, "Dare..."

Aomine's brow raised for a moment, "Are you just trying to be brave?"  Kagami clamped his mouth shut, shaking his head.  He didn't want to have Aomine out do him.  Aomine shrugged, leaning back in his chair, "Then I dare you to give me a lap dance."

[AN: sorry this one is so short! I just am tired right now and don't feel like spending so much time to write the whole truth or dare game right now 😅 but don't worry, next chapter will pick up directly where this one leaves off!]

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