Eleven - The Next Morning

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Morning light seeped through the window. Kagami squinted his eyes against the light. He shifted in his bed, he could feel heat next to him. Kagami opened his eyes wide and bolted up. His shoulders relaxed when he saw the familiar tan face. He'd nearly forgotten that Aomine actually stayed the night with him. Not that he minded at all though.

But now that he'd bolted up, he made Aomine stir next to him. He started to wake up and Kagami felt a tightening in his chest. What if Aomine regretted what they did last night? Kagami swallowed, he couldn't think like that. Aomine slowly rubbed his eyes, looking up at Kagami, "Morning."

Kagami let out a breath, smiling back at him, "Morning." He took off the covers and started to pull on underwear and a tshirt. "Want some breakfast?"

"Yeah," Aomine yawned and got up too. He started to pull on his clothes from last night. Kagami knew he had nothing else to wear, but it still made him wonder if Aomine was planning to leave soon.

He walked to the kitchen. He could feel Aomine following him. He glanced over his shoulder, "I hope you're going to be okay in class today."

Aomine shrugged, "I always want to sleep during class anyways." Aomine stood in the doorway as Kagami put on an apron and started getting food out for breakfast. He kept looking him up and down. Kagami couldn't help blushing a little. Aomine smirked, "Do you always dress like this in the morning?"

Kagami shook his head, glancing to the side at Aomine. He did his best to keep his blushing face mostly away from where Aomine could see. "No, this is not my usual."

"You should," Aomine stepped closer, resting a hand on Kagami's lower back. He kissed Kagami's neck, licking the skin up to Kagami's ear. Kagami trembled, his whole body trembled. His neck was so sensitive and Aomine's touch just felt too good. Aomine breathed against Kagami's ear, "You're sexy in the mornings."

"Y-you do know we have classes today, right?" Kagami did his best to speak without stuttering too much. He didn't want to kill the mood, he wanted to make sure Aomine wasn't just using him for pleasure.

Aomine nodded against Kagami's neck, placing small kisses along his skin. "I know. Doesn't mean we have to go."

Kagami shook his head, "It's day two. Plus we have practice and we're the team's ace."

"Mmm..." Aomine still held Kagami close, making no move to stop, "Then let's do this again this weekend. Your ass is great."

Kagami's face lit up bright red. He let his head hang forward, "Is that all you want from me?"

Aomine shook his head in response. "But do you really expect me to say something sappy? Forgive me if I don't."

Kagami nodded, swallowing. He was still processing what Aomine said, but he was pretty sure that meant that Aomine did want him for more than just pleasure. He didn't want to get his hopes up too much, but he loved Aomine so much and wanted Aomine to love him back.

[an: I hope you like this update! what'd you think of the AoKaga feels? cute? ready for more? I'm going to do a bit more of their college life, but all in all, there might not be too much focus on the classes ^^' anyways. I hope you liked this update! do tell me what you think!]

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