Six - Coming Out

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They quickly got to Maji Burger and went right up to the counter. They each ordered and paid separately and Kagami had to say he was a little relieved. It wasn't like he'd expected differently, he had no reason to think Aomine would ever treat him to anything, but it was still good for him to remember the boundaries between them. They were still trying to be friends, anything more was just Kagami's wishful thinking.

They found a table, each of them carrying a tray piled up with burgers. Kagami half expected Aomine to make eating into a contest too, but the bluenette said nothing. Kagami just sat down across from Aomine and started to eat from his mountain of cheeseburgers. There was a moment of silence that persisted between them. Kagami couldn't take it anymore, so he asked, "Do you have a backup if basketball doesn't work out?"

"Haa? I don't need a backup," Aomine sat back a little, glaring at Kagami, "I'm definitely going to go pro."

Kagami shrugged and looked down at his food, "I always thought it would be fun to be a chef, being able to make people smile because of my food... But you don't need to go to this kind of university for that."

Aomine laughed, relaxing again, "You're such a housewife." Kagami couldn't help blushing at that comment. He kept his head down, hoping that Aomine wouldn't see. Aomine leaned over the table, smirking at Kagami, "Would you be happy if I smiled because of something you made?"

"I don't know..." Kagami shrugged, keeping looking down. He was afraid to meet Aomine's eyes and give himself away. He just hoped that his blushing face wasn't giving him away either.

"Admit it," Aomine leaned closer, his smirk widening, "You like me, don't you."

Kagami balled his hands into fists. He wanted to keep himself under control, but Aomine was making that hard enough. Aomine kept going, saying, "Is it my pretty eyes? Or do my muscles turn you on?"

He couldn't stand Aomine joking like that. He didn't need Aomine making fun of him or his emotions toyed with, especially when he knew that Aomine would never like him back. "Just because I'm gay, doesn't mean I have to like you!"

The words were out of his mouth before he even realized that he'd said them. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. He should've stopped himself. His face heated up even more, it was unbearable. He just wanted Aomine to say something, gloat about being right or act offended that he wasn't into Aomine. But he didn't say anything. Kagami stole a glance at Aomine and Aomine was just staring at him, mouth slightly agape. Kagami looked back down at the food on the table. All of a sudden, he wasn't really hungry anymore.

"Are you really gay?"

Kagami looked up at Aomine's question, he had to admit that he was a little surprised by this reaction. "Yeah..."

Aomine leaned forward, not angry or grossed out, no longer shocked either. "What's it like?"

"What?" Kagami leaned back a little, he wasn't really sure what to make of Aomine's questioning.

"What's it like doing it with a guy?" Aomine asked again, "Have you topped or bottomed?"

"Umm..." Kagami stared at Aomine, surprise written all over his face. These questions were certainly not what he was expecting. "I don't know... I've done both..."

"I want to try it."

Kagami's mind was short-circuiting. He couldn't believe that he'd heard those words come from Aomine's mouth. "Wh-what?"

"I want to try doing it with a guy," Aomine looked at him, serious as ever, "I want you to show me."

"Show you?" Kagami just stared back at Aomine. Aomine had to be joking with him, right?

But Aomine kept insisting, "Yeah, show me. You've done it, right?"

"Well yeah," Kagami swallowed. He wanted to do with Aomine, he had for a long time, but not like this. He wanted to only do it with Aomine if Aomine liked him back, not because he was showing Aomine what gay sex was like. "But me showing you... I don't know."

"Why not?" Aomine narrowed his eyes. If Kagami wasn't mistaken, he'd say that Aomine was pouting.

"Well it's just that..." Kagami had to say something, give Aomine some reason, "I sort of lied before..."

"So you're not gay?" Aomine tilted his head to the side, not taking his eyes off Kagami.

Kagami gulped, he felt so exposed under Aomine's gaze. "No, I am gay. It's just... I may have lied... about liking you."

There was a brief moment of silence that hung in the air between them as his words sunk in for Aomine. Aomine's eyes widened, but only for a second, then he was back to his usual smirk. "I knew you did." Aomine smirked wider, "Look, if you don't want to do it, then I'll ask Tetsu."

"No." Kagami couldn't stop himself before speaking again. He swallowed, "I'll do it..."

Aomine's grinned and Kagami knew that he played right into Aomine's hand. But he couldn't help it. He just couldn't stand the idea of Aomine with anyone else, especially Kuroko. Aomine stood up, extending his hand down to Kagami, "Let's go."

[AN: I hope you liked this chapter! were the feels good?? was it funny?? want more?? ^^ there'll be some more info about Kagami's... romantic... history later on! are you ready for some good AoKaga feels in the next chapters though? things are gonna get hot!]

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