Twenty - Serenade pt 1

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Aomine tightened his arms around Kagami's waist, pulling him a little closer as he said, "Dare."

Kagami looked down at Aomine, he was glad that he'd said dare.  He wanted to make Aomine do something embarrassing too, but at the same time, he had no idea what a good dare would be.  He thought for a moment.  A big smile spread across his face as he looked down at Aomine.  "Serenade me."

Aomine was quiet for a moment, just looking back up at Kagami.  "What?"

Kagami smiled, reaching a hand up to gently brush his fingers across Aomine's cheek.  "Serenade me.  Sing for me."

"Sing?"  Aomine furrowed his brow.  Kagami wasn't sure what the problem was, he knew Aomine knew what he meant.  Could it be that he came up with something Aomine actually didn't want to do?  Aomine swallowed, "But what would I sing?"

Kagami grinned wider.  So long as he had this chance, he'd get Aomine to sing a wonderfully sappy love song.  "Oh, how about Love Me Like You Do?"

"That song?"  Aomine's eyes widened.

"Yes."  Kagami leaned in to whisper against Aomine's ear, "Unless you're too embarrassed to do it."

He could hear Aomine gulp.  "N-no, I'm not embarrassed.  I'll do it."

Kagami smiled, leaning back so he could see Aomine.  He wanted the full experience for this.  A part of him still didn't believe Aomine would actually do it.  Aomine took a deep breath, looking up at Kagami.  He shook his head slightly as he started, "You're the light, you're the night.  You're the color of my blood..."

The melody flowed from Aomine's voice.  His low, gravelly voice making the words more sensual and emotional.  It was beautiful.  Kagami felt a tightening in his chest.  What was going on, Kagami just felt so touched.  Even though he'd asked Aomine to do it, he didn't think Aomine actually would.  Or that it would be as tender as this.

Aomine reached a hand up to rest on Kagami's cheek as he got to the chorus, "So love me like you do, love me like you do."  Kagami stared back at Aomine, mouth slightly agape.  "So touch me like you do, touch me like you do."

Aomine suddenly stopped singing, taking Kagami's face in both of his hands.  His brow furrowed.  "What's wrong?"  Kagami just looked back at Aomine, he still wasn't sure why Aomine had stopped and his mind certainly wasn't processing fast enough to answer Aomine's question.  Aomine asked again, concern edging his voice, "Why are you crying?"

Kagami let out a laugh, resting his hands over Aomine's and holding them tightly.  Only now that Aomine had pointed it out, did Kagami feel the water spilling onto his cheeks.  He shook his head slightly, "Nothing's wrong..."

"Then what is it?"  Aomine held onto Kagami tighter, "Why are you crying?"

Kagami smiled, looking down at Aomine.  "It was just so beautiful.  I loved it."

Aomine relaxed, his grip loosening.  He caresses Kagami's cheeks.  "You're too sappy."  He smiled and leaned up enough to kiss Kagami.  Kagami gladly kissed him back, indulging in the sweet moment.

[AN: so what'd you think?? Was it cute?? Did you like the dare? Did you like Aomine's reaction to it? I included the song in case you haven't heard it! I hope you like the cute feels! 😊😊]

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