Five - Differences Aside

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Practice was done, positions were assigned and everyone was already back in the lockers changing to go home. After that game with Aomine, Kagami had been unable to keep himself from staring at the bluenette. He didn't know they would ever manage. He didn't mind being close to Aomine, he just didn't know how long he would be able to last around him when he was already in love with him.

Kagami was finishing putting his things back into his gym bag when Aomine walked up next to him. Aomine stood there for a minute before finally saying, "Looks like we're going to be working together a lot."

"Yeah..." Kagami laughed, "With the way things have been going today, we should've known that the coach would make us the double ace." He picked his bag up, slinging it over his shoulder and standing up straighter to look at Aomine.

Aomine's face was still completely serious as he extended his hand to Kagami. Kagami looked at it for a minute, waiting for Aomine to say something more. Luckily, Aomine said, "We might as well try to be friendly."

"Deal," Kagami smiled, shaking Aomine's hand. He had to say that he was glad that Aomine was the one to say it. He didn't want his friendship with Aomine to be one sided. Kagami started to walk out of the locker room. By this time he and Aomine were the only ones left and Kagami felt somehow nervous to be alone with him. He looked over his shoulder at Aomine, "Come on, let's get food."

Aomine instantly perked up, jogging a few steps to be walking next to Kagami. "Maji? You're buying, right?"

"We can go to Maji," Kagami laughed, shaking his head, "But I don't think I'm buying your dinner."

"Tch, fine," Aomine smirked and kept walking. As they got out of the arena, he started talking about friends and life stuff. Kagami had to say that he was surprised that Aomine was in such a sharing mood. "I honestly wasn't sure who I'd know here. Satsuki wanted to go to a different university. I half expected her to follow me here anyways, but she didn't."

"You like her, don't you?" Kagami swallowed. He knew that Aomine and Satsuki were childhood friends and they were almost always together. Kagami used to think that they were just really good friends. When Aomine had his change and got all into girls, he had to wonder if Aomine and Momoi became more than just friends.

"Like her? She drives me crazy," Aomine looked at Kagami, narrowing his eyes, "What do you like her or something?"

Kagami quickly shook his head, "No, not really my type." He may not have completed his change yet, but he'd known for years that he liked guys, especially Aomine. Not that he'd ever tell Aomine that he was gay, much less that he actually liked him.

[AN: I hope you're liking this! the next part will pick up directly after this! there are going to be some cute feels coming!]

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