Chapter 3: Veronica, The Assignment

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I have dark circles under my eyes. Dam it I really need to start getting more sleep. I put on some makeup to try and cover them up. I don't want to look like I've been up all night which I have but none needs to know because then they will ask why and I can't say I was out at some party or because Archie spent the night. If I'd did he will know I was lying and then he would ask why and I do not want to say my parents fought all night and their yelling keep me up and after they finished I couldn't sleep because my mind was in a million different places. No I can't say that I can't let others know how sad I've been lately. Depression is not a good look on me. I let out a sigh and finish putting on my makeup. Then I throw on a black crop and a white skirt. I look nice and after looking back in the mirror you can't tell I stayed up all night.

"Veronica , Archie is here"

That's my mom yelling from the other room. She never bothers to come and knock on the door she has to yell from the other room or sometimes she'll actually text me when she wants something.
I think about yelling back that I'll be right there but instead I just grave my bag , and put on the same boot heels I wore yesterday. Well let's go I tell myself. I take a quick glance in the mirror and tell myself Smile look like nothing's wrong you're fine.

When I leave my room and see Archie smile at me I feel a bit better.

I won't say it out loud but me and Archie have some problems also but we are also good and he makes me happy.

I push those thoughts down. Don't think like that veronica I tell myself every thing is fine, everything is alright it's going to be a great day.

I smile and give Archie a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm all ready let's go"
He smiles and I tell my mom goodbye as we leave.
She smiles but I know it's fake. She hates Archie. She thinks I'm too good for him. I think sometimes he is too good for me but she won't say anything. We have fought about me dating him to many times already and were both over the arguing about him. She knows that I won't leave him and she's done talking under her breath. Sooner or later we're going to break up anyways so why bother fighting now She says. I'm mad at her when she says things like that but it's not like she's is the poster person for a example for a healthy relationship. I've never said that to her. I'm not sure why part of it is that I don't want to keep fighting and the other is I don't want to sag it out loud. That their relationship is falling apart. I push that thought down too and just give Archie another kiss on the cheek as we get in his car.

"Are you ok "
He says to me.

I smile at him and tilt my head .
"Im fine Arch "

He comes an eyebrow but saint say anything. I don't know if he believes me or if he just don't want to press on the question.

I could tell him what's going on in my head but I don't think it would help anything so I just keep it to myself.

When we get to school we walk in holding hands like always. He leads me to my locker then we go to his and when the bell rings he walks me to class . This is what we always do it's our routine. In class I look around and see that Betty isn't there . That's weird I wonder why she's running late . Betty is never late to class. I turn to highways who is in the seat behind me. I sit in the second to last row in the far left seat. Usually Betty sites in the same row as me but in the front Seat . There 4 rows down and 5 across so there's 1 person between us . Then Kevin sits in the front Seat in the 5th row across.

"Hey Jughead where is Betty"

He lifts his head he almost always has his head down and is most likely sleeping.

"She's not coming she said she think something she ate made her feel sick"

"But we all ate the same food last night and none of us are sick".

"Apparently last night after she got home and has some milk and it was expired and she didn't realise it till this morning when she felt sick then she checks it and it was over a month expired"

"Poor Betty I hope she is alright why didn't she tell me"

"She didn't feel like talking to anyone I just know cause she told me when I went to pick her up
Then Mrs. Watson started talking so I turned back around.

"Okay class so today we're going to start a new assignment."

She looks down a piece of paper and then back at the class
"I see that we have 2 students absent today but that's fine as our new assignment is going to be in groups of 2 so they will automatically be paired as for the rest of you I will pick your partner at random."

That's kinda annoying cash I usually partner with Kevin in this class I bet Jughead is annoyed also as he is usually with Betty.

"The assignment will be Shakespeare each group will be assigned a different play and you and your partner will have to do a report on it when you will try to explain how it would be in modern times then you both will act out a scene together. Okay now the partners or me see"
She hold up a clip board , and scribbled on it then looks at the class

"First Kevin and Jane you will have Hamlet, Mark ,and Farris you get the taming of the shrew,

" She continues to read name and assign plays I'm not paying much attention in till I hear....

"Veronica and Jughead you will have Romeo and Juliet"

What first off I'm pared with Jughead and not just that we have to do Romeo and Juliet. I look back to him he seemed annoyed he probably wished I was Betty right now an I don't blame him.
After class I over we don't talk just give each other an awkward look.
At lunch when me and Archie sit with Jughead we tell him about the Assignment. He laughs and thinks it's so funny.

"Just don't go stealing my girl"
She says to Jughead in a joking way.

"Don't worry"
Jughead says as he bites into his burger.

"So Jughead should we meet up after school ."

He shrugs
"She my place or yours"

"Mine say about 330"

"Sounds good"

After school I text Betty she says she is feeling better and it's not that bad that she should be back at school tomorrow. I tell her about the Assignment she thinks it's funny to expect that she is parried with Dave the class slacked but At least they have to do Macbeth so it shouldn't be a hard assignment. When I get home I find a note on my bedroom door.
"Veronica you dad was sent to New York for work he will be back in two days , and I went went with him to visit some friends don't worry and I left you some cash on the counter we will be back in a week at the latest. Love you Behave -Mom"

Well I guess I'm alone for a bit but what else is new . At least they won't bug me and Jughead while we work on our assignment. I text him that we will be alone as my parents are out of town . He just says k and he will be over soon. I change out of my cloth and into a causal black t-shirt and jeans. I don't need to look my best just at home it's just Jughead coming over. About 10 minutes later I hear my front door bell . I guess Jughead is hear so let's get this started.

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The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now