Chapter 21: Jughead, I'm Sorry

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I have been wrestling with my thoughts for days now. I keep trying to figure out the right thing to do. Maybe there isn't exactly a perfect answer but I do know what probably is best. Yes i can keep being with Betty pretending everything is okay and yeah maybe my feelings for Veronica will fade and I'll fall back in love with Betty but that will not happen anytime soon. Sonit is not right for me to do this to her. It is not right that i'm with her when she is giving me her heart and i can not give her mine. Now i just need to figure out the right thing to say. It's Saturday night and I asked her to meet up. I plan to drive her out and take her somewhere to eat and after I'll talk with her. It might be a horrible Idea and what's even worse i plan on talking it over with Archie. Were hanging out in a little bit and this can be a horrible idea but he is my friend and I want his opinion on how to do this. When Archie comes over and sits in the seat across from me i feel so nervous. Were in the booth in the way back so that people can't hear.
"What up Jughead what's with the emergency we need to talk"

"I'm going to break up with Betty but i don't know how. I still care for her so much but I don't think were working and need space how do i tell her and not hurt her"
He looks shocked and runs a hand through his hair.

"Well umm i guess just be honest with her but why are you breaking up"

"We have had problems for a while and she needs someone who can make her happy and right now that's not me"

"I guess just tell her like that. I get it i understand how you are feeling but i can't say that it still wont hurt her but if your not in it anymore it is best you let her go"

"Thanks for understanding"

"I know that we have had problems lately but you still my friend"
I smile and we order some food. We talk a little more and it felt like old times before all the drama. Like when we were younger. Its nice.

It is the next day and me and Betty are supposed to go to dinner. I haven't decided where yet. I don't want it to be somewhere too crowded but also not somewhere where there's none one. If people are around maybe she won't attack me.
When i go to pick her up she's in a simple blush pink dress shirt and a white skirt. When she get in the car she goes to kiss me and I pull back. She gives me a look and i tell her i don't want her dad to see us. She nods and I drive away.

We get to the place and it's a mexican restaurant not too far from her house. I look around to see if there's anyone from school here and there isn't lucky. We go sit towards the back and i don't want to tell her yet let's have a nice meal first. I think she can tell that i was nervous she asked me twice if everything was all right i said yes and went back to eating. We talked about school and family. It was a nice meal and I felt bad that it will not be much longer till I tell her and have to ruin this date and hurt her feelings. I hate hurting her like this but i need to i can not keep going on like this anymore. I hope she understands and that it will not be long till we can be friends again. We order our desert and then the check comes i pay and then Betty asks if I wanted to go somewhere else. I look at her and take a deep breath. Should i do this outside or right here. My mind starts to rase and my heart beats faster and faster. I take a sip of water and tell her we should go now. I think it is best if we did this somewhere else. When we get in the car I think about going somewhere else somewhere private.
"Jughead any other plans is there anywhere else we should go"

"Um i think i should get you home"

"Uh okay"

I drive to her house and i could feel my hands getting sweaty. I grip the steering wheel tighter and take a breath. When we pull up in front of her house i know i need to sat something i can not keep putting this off i know it will be hard but just do it Jughead get it over with. I turn to her.

"Betty wait don't go inside yet"
She turns and looks at me.

"Okay so what up do you need to say something"

I look down at my hands and start to speak.
"You mean so much to me do you know that"
She nods

"Betty you are a great amazing person who deserves so much and something you deserve is for when you give your heart to someone that in return they gave you their heart back"
I look up and try to look her in the eyes. It's hard because if she cries i can not see her cry it will hurt too much but i know i should be looking her in the eyes it is more respectful she deserves that.

"Betty im so sorry but I can not give you my whole heart."
Did i just say that. I did its out.

"Are are are you breaking up with me "
He tone was sharp.

"I'm so sorry but i do care so much about you but lately haven't you felt it. You can tell that we have drifted apart that were more friends the boyfriend and girlfriend. Im so sorry i don't wanna hurt you but you deserve someone who can make you truly happy and that's not me"

She has a tear in her eyes but isn't crying. I can't read her face much but it still breaks me.

"I do really still wanna be friends"

"I I need to um take a minute"

I let her sit there in silence for minute or 2 before she speaks.

"Do you not love me anymore"

"I do but not like i should i love you as a friend and someone i care about"

"Well umm i'm going to go now"

She leaves and i sit there for a moment letting everything sink in before heading home.


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