Chapter 28 : Veronica, The Breakup Plan

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I have decided that I need to finally break up with Archie but how will I do that. I don't want to hurt him. We have been through a lot together. We have had ups and downs but we have always managed to work things out. We have even fought against my father and won and that is not a easy thing to do. I need Archie in my life even if it's not as a boy friend I need him as a friend im going to have to talk to him like this I need to tell him how much he means to me and that even if out romantic relashinship is over it dose not mean we have to be over as friends. I sit down in the chair by my vanity and drink some water. This is making me feel sick. Im stressing out so much. Why am i freaking out so much. Yes I don't want to hirt Archie but I also don't want to keep living this lie. The worst thing that can happen is that he will be mad and not want to talk to me and I hope eventually he will work past that. Whille that is a horrible out come It is better then living in lie. I need to take control of this i need to make myself calm down. If I see Archie like this he will know something is up. I take another sip of water and text Archie if we can meet up at Pops tonight. What if he says he is buy I don't want to wait any longer and what if he wants to meet here. I want to tell him at Pops so if he wants to yell he wont cause we know a lot of the people who go there daily. Jughead being one of them and that reminds me to text Jughead and ask him not to go tonight. I don't think I can do it if he is there. I can't think about this anymore or its going to drive me crazy. I grab my school bag and head off. The drive to school was not like others. Normally I listen to music and plan out my day or im on the phone with Archie and Betty well also lately ive been texting Jughead. He said the other day that he can't wait for the day till where he can be the one driving me to school. Then there is today where im sitting in silence and I feel like im going to lose my mind. I can't believe today is the day that I'm going to break up with Archie. I know its the right thing to do but I still feel bad. Stop thinking about this Veroinca I tell myself. I need to focus today.

Im putting my stuff in my locker when Archie comes over and says hey.
I smile and look at him.
"We're still on for today right after school at Pops" I don't make eye contact with him as im talking. Im just looking past him and in my locker.
He says yeah and I close my locker and tell him ill see him later I have to go to class and walk off.

During class I was talking to Kevin and Betty about tv shows and it really helped me not think about the break up. I think I should tell Betty about my plan to break up with Archie but not here I cant in a room full of people but I think if i don't tell her she will be mad and I don't want to upset her not after everything ive allready done.

"Hey Betty , Kevin I need to tell you both something important but not here during class after class can we talk"

"Sure is it drama"
Kevin says with a smile.

"What's wrong "
Betty asks

" You can call it drama but ill just tell you in a little but class is almost over "

15 minutes later class finishes and we all head to an empty classroom down the hall.

"So what is it"
Kevin says

"I won't get into details right now because we have our next clas soon but well .."
Im pasing back and forth

Betty says

"Okay so im planning on breaking up with Archie today after school"

Betty looks shocked Kevin makes a fake shocked look. He knew i was going to break up with Archie already he just didn't know it would be . He probably made the fake shocked look just show Betty wouldn't realise that.

"What why"
Betty asks
"I'll explain more why later but basically we have grown apart I still care for him and love him but not like I used to I thi k were better off as friends"

"Okay well I expect more details later especially about how you plan on doing it but lets get to class right now"

I nood and we all head for our next class.

A few more classes into the day and my nerves seem to go away and im starting to feel ready for this. I've been focussing on my school work and it's helping me relax. Lunch was awkward with Archie as i was trying to act normal and not be nervous around him . Betty started to notice so we walked off and told the boys we had somthing to do. Me and Betty spent the rest of lunch in a empty classroom talking about the breakup. I told her how we just drifted apart and aren't the same people we were when we first started dating and that I think it'd be better off as friend like I mentioned earlier but I was just telling her a little bit more about that Entertainer how I plan on going to Pops and break up with him she thought it was a good idea and she said it's sad but that she dose understand and hopes that maybe after some time apart that maybe it will help as be friends for a bit and maybe we could get back together later. I told her I don't know about that but then the bell rings before we can talk more and we head off to our next class.

During last pireod I try not to look at Jughead but i can't help it and he makes funny faces when we make eye contact and I smile.
I love how he makes me smile.

After class as im heading out Jughead whispers follow me and so I do. I follow him to a small empty classroom down the hall. Unlike most of the other classrooms this one is small and has no windows. Its like a littls filler classroom ment for small club meetings and a storage room. Theres actually no teaching that gose on here its hardly ever used so I understand why Jughead choose here.

As I step into the class Jughead locks the door and kissies me. He ramps 1 arm around my waist and has his other hand behind my head as he pulls me in close. I wrap both arms behind his neck and then move hand threw his hair. He slides 1 hand under the back of my shirt and we both smile whille kissing. I love the taste of him. His lips tates so good. We break apart and i smile at him.
" Is that why you had me follow you here so we can kiss cause I'm not complaining."

"Yes and no I also wanted to talk but I did really want to kiss you"

"What do you wanna talk about"

"Have you decided on when and how to break up with Archie"

"Yea it's going to be later today at Pops and you cant be there"

"Why not"

"Because im going to be nervous already and you being there will distract me"

"Okay I understand also im glade that your finally going to breakup with him"

"I know i should have done it a while ago but I should get going I have to get ready and I also have home work to do"

"Busy night"


"But can we kiss a little more before you go"

I smile at his request
I go over to him and we makeout some more before I leave. Kissing Jughead relaxes me
It really helps me not be nervous.

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The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora