Chapter 10: No Going Back

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It's Monday which means time to go back to school and also it means that it's time to go back to my normal day-to-day routine. Wake up ,take a shower, get dressed, do my makeup, do my hair , wait for Archie, he picks me up takes me to school, and walks me to my locker, then we go to class , and then we meet up we go to lunch , next we go back to class , latter hang out a little bit at pops  diner after school, and last he takes me home. Casual dating. I am very much eased to or that was used to have to get used to it again. I thought my life was boring but now I need it back I slipped away but it's time I got back on track. I still have to work on my assignment with Jughead but maybe we should do that the diner instead of alone at my house but my mom and dad will be back soon so at least we won't be alone much longer. The thought of my friends being bought I enjoy the time alone I enjoyed not being stressed out but maybe it's a good thing they're coming back maybe it's another distraction. Well I guess it's time to get up out of bed and start my routine.
I get out of bed. Your going to be fine Veronica everything will work out don't worry.  


At school i tired to not think about it.I tried not to think about her. It worked well i distracted myself with school stuff and focused on other things.  In class Betty was there as a distraction for us . At lunch it was the same thing we just ignored each other the best we could . Veronica talked and spent her time With Archie and I did the same with Betty. We did our best to not look into eachothers eyes. The hard part was art class i kept wanting to look at her and took a couple glances . At one point we both looked at each other and our eyes met but we quickly looked away. When class was over to my surprise  Veronica walked over to me.

" We Need to talk "

i didn't know was to say i was frozen

"What like right now"

she rolled her yes

"No of course not Just meet me after school in the fabric room"

she whispered the last part even though none else was around us

"okay but what about Archie don't you hang out with him after school"

i say with a confused tone

" he has football practice today"


i say without looking at her in the eyes

she didn't say anything else she just walked away.

I couldn't focus in my last 2 classes as my mind was now comply spaced trying to figure out what could Veronica say. I know what she wants to talk about. I just wonder what she will say. It's not like me to be like this. I'm not the kind of guy who gets easily distracted by girls it's just not me. I never have been the kind of guy who put all his time and energy in a relationship.

When the bell rang i froze for a moment . Okay here we go i thought to myself.  I was nervous why am i nervous is she nervous . Stop jughead you can't think like this .  O Well shake it off and don't kept her see you like this.

The walk to the fabric room was not far from the 7th period but it felt like forever. The fabric room was where the fashion class kept all of their fabrics . It was located outside of the fashion class room in building c room 199 and the fabric room was  small but not too tiny about the size of a simple walk in closet. You could only get in the room if you were the fashion teach or if you were one of the classes leader. A leader was kinda like a ta and they were usually one of the top students in the call that was trusted by the teacher to handle supplies or organise shows . There were 4 fashion classed 2 advanced and 2 beginner. Each class had its own leader and yes Veronica was one of them. She was in the advanced class. Betty was in the class with her even though she isn't the best at sowing but Veronica worked her magic to get her in there. The class was at the very end of the building and was not many people came down here to this part of the school. The next classes around here  didn't have classes every period like, Computer class periods 1,2,3,4, Business periods 2,3,4,6 Child Development periods 1,3,5 Photoshop 3,4,5,7 and Fashion was 1,3,5,6 . So hardly anyone was around here after school do to only 1 class had a last period here but none really stays after school in Photoshop. As i reached the room i looked around and none was here . Maybe Veronica didn't show up . I wait a minute and try and open the door but its locked . I will just wait a little for here maybe something is keeping he busy at the moment.

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt