Chapter 14: Veronica , Feel Good

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The past month has been the best. Me and Jughead meet almost everyday after school. My day usually goes like this school , cheer practice  ,and home but there are times that i will hang out after school with Betty, Archie , and Jughead. On the weekends I do spend time with them also . I hardly spend alone time with archie anymore though and it's not all me. Archie lately is super busy. He works goes to school  football and his music. He says that he is too tired to go out a lot which used to annoy me but now i don't mind when he cancels a date i just invite jughead over. My favorite thing to do is to sit on my bed with Jughead and watch tv . My parents have no clue that me and Jughead are together despite the fact that he is over all the time . They are either oblivious or they possible in denial if that make sense. Most days were at my house but there are times when we go somewhere usually we just drive off somewhere far and sit i the car where we just sit and talk or listen to music. A couple time we have gone to a far theater. I'd love to go to a restaurant but that's not in the cards right now as we're both scared someone would recognize us. I'm not sure why my parents haven't said anything well it's not like they are home much dads always at work and moms always off at some charity or galla.  Although the staff knows. they haven't said anything to me but i can tell they know.My driver as he has driven us places and well i know for sure he knows as me and jughead have made out in my car many times. The cleaning lady Marge whenever Jughead or Archie are around gives me dirty looks.

Its early morning friday and i don't feel like going to school. My mom told me that I can skip it as long as I make up the work I missed and promised i would so she is letting me stay home. My dad got a little upset but told me as long as i don't miss more days it's fine.First i texted Betty i wasn't feeling too good and that i won't be coming to school. She told me to feel better and that she will see me this weekend if i'm feeling better or we can talk monday. Then I texted Archie that i want going to school and he just texted back.

"Why Not"

" I don't feel up to it"

" well do you wanna hang out tonight"

"i dont think its a good idea i'm not feeling well"

"what about tomorrow night wanna come over my place"

"maybe idk im not sure if i'll feel better"

"we haven't had alone time in a while"

"we went out to eat the other day together"

"we haven't had real alone time in a while"

"you mean we haven't had sex"

" yeah it's not like i wanna push you to don't get me wrong but were young and in a relationship and it's been over a month now"

"i don't feel good Archie i'll talk with you about it latter"

i lay down on the bed and set my phone on the table. My phone beeps which means that Archie replied but i don't check it. I don't know what am i supposed to say like this isn't a convo i wanna have and it's not something i've thought about lately. I can't tell him that i don't wanna sleep together anymore but i also don't know how to handle this.I can't sleep with him i if i do then i feel like it would be cheating on Jughead but that's silly as i'm actually with Archie but im also with Jughead and now me and Jighead haven't slept together. Jughead and Betty aren't sleeping together . I know it's not far to Archie and if i am going to stay with him i will have to sleep with him again don't i . I don't know all i know right now is that i don't want to think about it as it makes me think about Jughead and Betty and it makes me sick. How could i want the best for betty my best friend and also be dating her boyfriend. I know is very confusing but i try not to think of it. I walk out my room and head towards the kitchen. I'm still in my pajamas which is a white lace silk nighty . I eat some fruit and yogurt and walk around the house a bit. I haven't skipped school in awhile and i'm bored. I sit on the couch and put on some tv. Luckily there's a Gossip Girl episode on and i watch that about halfway through the episode i hear the doorbell. I get up to answer it forgetting i'm in a nighty and wearing bunny ear slippers.

I open the door and it Jughead.

"what are you doing here why aren't you at school"

"i wanted to see you"

I was so not expecting to see him and am kinda frozen for a moment before telling him to come in.

"how are you feeling"

"im okay why'

" you told Archie and Betty you weren't feeling good"

"im okay i just didn't feel like going to school"

" why didn't you tell me"

"tell you what"

"that you weren't coming to school"

" i knew Archie and Betty would tell you"

"come on why didn't you tell me yourself"


"because why"

" because if i did i thought i might ask you to come over and i didn't want that"

" didn't want you to skip school"

"thats dumb what's the real reason"

" when we usually hang out it's not for hours alone in a empty house it's usually for a hour or so and well idk it felt like we would have a bunch of freedom being alone in the morning not needing to worry if someone will be home soon or if someone stopped by i know it sounds dumb"

i know he was listening to me talk but i could see that he as also distracted by the fact i was in a nighty.

"it's not dumb but i came over anyways so do you wanna watch some tv"

i smiled

"sure let me change first"

"you don't have to"

i rolled my eyes

"you like my nighty "

"very much"

i took the throw blanket off the long chair wrapped it around me and sat on the couch. Jughead sat next to me and put an arm around me.

"so what are we watching"

"Gossip Girl"

"yay my favorite"

"good cause u think there is a mini marathon on"

in a sarcastic tone jughead said

"yay great"

This is where i love to be. This is my happy place just relaxing watching something with Jughead by my side.


"yes Veronica"

I kissed him. I kissed him deep and he kissed back. it got more intense and i went on his lap. He put his hand on my back and slip it up and down and with the other hand had it on the back of my neck with his fingers in my hai. I was had on hand on his lap and the other behind him. Next thing i knew i took off his jacket and then he took off his shirt.

Jughead spoke


"what's wrong"

"are you sure this is what you want to do"

"it's not exactly the moment i thought this would happen but its want i want being with you feels so good it feel right. Yes this is what i want"

" i feel so good being around you too"

He kisses me deeply.


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