Chapter 32 : Veronica, Valentine's Day , Part 2

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I'm finishing getting ready for my date with Jughead , Im wearing a short black sleak dress , my pear necklaces and red heals. I did my makeup kinda simple just eyeliner , mascara and red lipstick. I don't need to go all out . Jughead is a simple guy and I don't feel like I need to go all out and fancy looking for him. He loves back so im mostly wearing black but I have that little bit of red to have so pop and because it is valentines day. There is a knock at my door while im putting on my heals on whille im sitting on my bed.
"Come In"
I say .
My Mom walks in.
"You look nice"

"Thank you I'm hanging out with some friends tonight."

She noods questionably.
"Well would Archie be there"

I roll my eyes whille hooking the staps of my heals. Then i stand up and look in the mirror.
"You know we broke up"

"Yes but I also know last time you and him broke up you still saw him sometimes then you got back together"

I look in the mirror checking my makeup and floating out dress with my hands to make sure there's no wrinkles.

"It's not like last time me and Archie are done just friends"

"Sure if thats what you say I just hope you mean it"

"I do and even though me and Archie have history were just friends now and I don't see us getting back together"

My mother stares at me
"Mom what is it"

"Nothing you just look pretty "

Suprised by her saying something nice im not syre what to say.
"Thank you"

She leaves and im finishing getting ready when i get a text from Jughead. He says he's here so I grab a jacket and leave to go meet him. I say a quick goodbye to my parents and tell them ill be out all night. Jughead parked a little past my house so my parents wouldn't see him if they looked out after i left. When i got in the car he looked at me and got a big smile on his face that made me kinda blush.
"You look beautiful"

"Thank you you look hot"
Jughead wore black jeans a black dress shirt and his Serpants jacket. He looked really hot like this.
He smiled and took his hand and put it with mine. Holding hands with Jughead always makes me smile. We drove down to his house hoping not to pass anyone we knew. I got a text from Betty asking if I wanted to hang out. I texted her sorry but im bust that we can do something tomorrow maybe. I felt bad but what eles could I say. She texted back "it's okay and yeah it will be nice to do something tomorrow". 
I look towards Jughead and give him a half smile. He smiles back and squeezes my hand. Not in a mean way but in a caring way like he is saying. I know but it will be okay im here. It's comforting and I feel calmer. When get to his house my heart is rasing. I've been here many times before but it's different now. When I walk inside there are roses in the floor and a small table with a rose in a small vase in the living room. I turn to him and i must be making a funny surprised look on my face cause he laughs a little. "Jughead I thought you don't do the romantic sappy stuff for Valentine's day "
He runs a hand through his hair.
" I know I normally don't but I thought id make an exception for you"
Okay this man has come out of nowhere and stolen my heart and now I think ive stolen his too. He is going to make me cry. Don't cry Veronica don't cry.
He look over at me puzzled so i kiss him. Not so sweet simple kiss but a deep meaningful one. One that shows him what im thinking. After out kiss he walks me over to the table and pulls the car out.
"What a gentlemen"
"Only for you"
I love how were so different around eachother how he has this sweeter side with me and how im more comfterbal and laid back around him. My life can be so intense and frustrating and its so nice to have an escape from it all. He is my escape. He walks away toawrds the stove and ontop of it is a big pot. When he walks back he has 2 two plates full of spaghetti. It smells amazing.
"You cooked"

"Well I tryed I followed some videos on YouTube it might not tates that good but it looks nice"

"I bet it tates amazing"

"Would you like some parmesan cheese on top"

"Yes please"
We start eating our dinner and to my surprise it is actually good not amazing but good.

"Jug this tates good im proud of you"

"It's not that good"

"You did a great job" I take another bite.
"So Jug how is the the paper going working on any good stories"

"Sadly right now no it's been slow Riverdale can get some jucy drama but right now all I have to cover is games and movie reviews but those don't make a intrusting paper. So we aren't doing that well but I hope it will pick up spon" He eats a big spoon full of his spaghetti and gets sause on his face. I reach over and wipe the corner of his mouth.

"I know what would make a jucy story"

"What would that be"

"How about local boy has a hot date with best friends ex"

"Well our relationship is full of drama"

"Yep but im glad were doing this I was so done with trying to not feel what I feel for you"

"Me two"
He reaches over to hold my hand and I smile. I take a sip of water. I feel this thing in my gut. I don't think I can ingore it much longer.

"Hey Jug"


"Don't take this the wrong way I do like your cooking but how about we put dinner on pause"


"And whille its on pause we have desert"

"I like that idea"

We both stood up and he took my hand and led me to his bed room. I have a big smile on my face that I hope he doesn't see. I dont want to look weird but I've missed this. Its been a while since we have been togther this way.

When we got to his room and as soon as i setp in there he kissies me. At first its a smiple and sweet kind of kiss but it quickly changes to deep and stong. I unbutton his shirt whille we kissing and his hands are in my hair. Once his shirt is unbuttoned I take it off him and move my hands towards his pants. When my hands touch his pands he lets out a sound that makes my stomach twist. One of his hands moves to my lower back and slides down to my bottem. I unbutton his pants and un zip them. He takes off his pants and takes a step back looking at me.

"Dress off"

I smille and nodd then i slowly take off my dress. Once its off i step close to him and kiss him again deeply. Our hands are moving all over eachother. He lifts me up and sets me on his bed. Once on the bed he takes off his boxes , my bra and panties. He opens the side tabe and takes out a condom.
"Can I put it on you?"

He looks surprised but smiles.
He hands it to me and i open it taking out the condom and I hold it in my hand. Ive held a condom before but ive never put on a guys thing. I hope i dont look nervous because i fell a little nervous and im not sure why do i think im going to put it on wrong. How do you even put it on wrong its simple. I look at Jug take a small breath and move closer towards him on the bed. I put it on him and he sucks in a deep breath. Then once its on all the way he reaches down and pulld me to him kissing me. Our skin is touching and I feel like im on fire.  When were touching it's like it's only us in this crazy world. Its the best feeling.

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The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now