Chapter 19: Jughead , Meetting

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I like when there is peace between the Northside and Southside, who wouldn't but lately things seem to be slipping again. The peace between our arieas seems like it needs some working on. After everything that happened last year when the Serpent's almost went to war with the Northside but luckily after some negotiating we came to an agreement. Now some of the newer younger Serpents seem to be stirring up some trouble as well as some of the older ones. They aren't happy how things are going as some Septants and Northside teens have been getting into fights as well as some of the older people wanting their own land back or at least a better living situation. Last year some of the south side land and some homes were taken away and in exchange those people were given an rv to live in and free rent for a year but at what price. They were not happy about it and had to give up their home although they were in dept and had back rent on their rent on their homes the landowners let it slide a bit but then the land was sold and things had to change. Hiram and Hermione Lodge were to blame along with Mayor Mccoy. They were mad that Mccoy allowed them to buy the land and somehow the Lodges were able to get the Southside to back off for the time being at least but things are changing again. Now here we are again and the person who helped the negation go peacefully was Veronica. She has this way of here's where you can't hate her. You can be angry with her sure but she is also so charming. My dad told me this morning that Harian called wanting to meet up later today. It's supposed to My dad, Hairm , and Veronica. I'm surprised she will be there but i'm glad she is. It shows that despite everything that has happened between us that she does want to put the peace between the lands first. That sounded wired but you get what i mean.

I throw on my jacket and head to school. It's Friday so it should be an easy day and then at 530 Veronica and her dad comes over. The realization hits me mid way through first period . Veronica has never been over my home since we started our thing. She has only been by once before and that was last year's meeting. My house isnt messy but it could use some fixin up. I text my dad if he had some time could he clean up and he didn't get why. He said we don't need to present ourselves for them. I asked him to just please do it. In class I was going to talk to her but Betty and Veronica were talking and i knew better than to interrupt them. During lunch i told Betty i had homework to do. I went an empty classroom at the part of the school none goes to at this time and messaged veronica to come it's important and not to ignore. Se sent back that it's not a good idea. I sent that i'm only asking for 5 months at the most. I waited and after 10 months i thought i should give u and leave then she showed up.

"What do you wanna talk about"

" The meating today"

" I dont think im going"

"You need to "

"is it the best idea"

"please come not for me but for the peace between the towns you know your dad better than anyone and your the only one who can negotiate for both sides"

"fine i'll come but don't get any ideas"

"don't worry"

Then she was gone again. The rest of the school day was boring and not much happened. When i got home there was nothing cleaned up and my dad wasn't even home so i just cleaned up myself. I tried to make it look nice not for Harm although i should try and not hate him so much as if me and Veronica are ever able to become a real couple i need to try and be civil with him. When my dad gets home he looks around suspiciously

"Why is everything so clean"

"i asked you too but you didn't"

"i don't see the point of cleaning up for Harem Lodge"

" It's not for him"

"then who is it for"

I ignored him and contenute settin the room up to look nice.

Latter when i hear the door i rushed too it. When i open the door and saw her standing there i was lost for words for a moment before inviting them in.


Thank you for reading sorry for the shorter chapter i've been sick and trying to get homework done but i still wanted to post something.

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now