Chapter 6: Jughead , New light

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After we got some work done . We ordered some food.
"If my mom found out we were eating in the living room over her white rug she'd have a fit "

"Should we eat at the table"

"No I don't care if it gets dirty I'm always miss prim and proper I am never messy"

I don't know why but I leaned over and huge her. She looked like she needed it. She didn't pull away but she put a arm around me and we sat there for a couple minutes before she pulled away.

"I'm sorry Jughead for being so emotional it's just that I've kept so much in laity and it is starting to poor out. It's so hard to keep it all in"

"Then don't let it out"

"You should open up too"

"What do you mean "

"It can't be easy for you right now with your mom and sister away and your dad not here for you much I know how it feels when parents aren't there for you it really hurts if you need to open up you should. "

"It is hard I feel like I have to rase myself and that I have to be strong all the time"

"I'm sorry Jughead "
She puts her hand on my lap.

"Who would have thought "

"Thought what"

"You and me opening up together sharing our emotions along well"

"I guess we're both seeing each other in new light"

"I guess we are"

I look at her and I don't see the same Veronica I have known. I know its her its still Veronica but I don't see her like I have. I can't explain it but she seems new. It's like I'm meeting her for the first time. But I have to remember that she is still Veronica. She is Archie's girlfriend and Betty's best friend. She smiles at me and it makes me smile back at here. I feel like I can talk to her and I want her to open up more with me.

"I feel alone sometimes "
She tells me.
I don't say anything I just listen.
"Like I can be surrounded by a lot of people but I feel alone. I can talk with someone ill laugh and act like I'm enjoying myself but it's fake. I wish i felt more connected with people but its just so hard for me to form a close connection with other people. I know I sound like a freak"
She puts her head between her knees.

"Your not a freak I know how it feels and it is not a bad thing it is fine to feel this way. And by the way nobody thinks at all that you are a freak you are Veronica Lodge cheer captain , miss popular , and you can also be a badass"
I put a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"How is it you know what to say when I need to hear it"

I smiled and she sat up and spoke again.

"Your not bad yourself"
She looked like she was blushing a little.

I could see that she still had a tear by her eye and that she seemed sad still. I took my hand and wiped her tear away. There was an eyelash on her cheek and I brushed that away also. I then looked at her in the eyes.

"Make a wish"
I put my finger out for her with the eyelash on it . she leaned towards me ' closed her eyes and blew.

"What you wish for"

"If I told you it won't come true "

"Come on it can be our secret"

She paused and looked at me. She was trying to decide on what to say does she tell me or keep it to herself. She looked away and back at me.

"Don't laugh okay"

"I swear I won't"

" Promise you won't laugh at me"

"I promise"

She bit down on her lip and looked away again.

"Well I wished that I was more edgy i wish I wasn't so emotional and I had a I dont give a f attitude. I care so much of what other think of me and I don't know how to just cut loose "

"Why would I laugh at that"

"Because it's embarrassing"

"No its not"

"Thank you"

My phone hose off and it's a text from my dad saying he is going to be home late. Then I see that it's 10 pm

"Everything okay Jughead"

"Yeah but I just noticed that it is 10 pm "

"Really where did the time go"

"I know right".
I then pause and stand up.

"Well I should get going I don't wanna keep you up too late "

" it's not too late but I understand if you wanna go now"

"I'll help you clean up first then i'll go"

She stands up and we don't say anything while she washes the dishes and I put the stuff away.

After we're done I put my jacket on and walk towards the door.

"Are you okay driving home in the dark"

"Yeah it's fine I do it all of the time"

"Okay well have a good night"

"You too"

"Thank you for the talk it helped me a lot"

"It was nothing "

She smiled and I left. When i got to the car I felt like I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay here. Well i'll see her again soon at school and we have more days to work together.

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now