Chapter 22: Veronica, Dumped

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Early this moring Betty called me asking if she could come over. She sounded upset and said she needed to talk. It's like 830am now and she just got here. I made her some tea and we sat in the living room where she started to talk.

"Jughead dumped me"
She takes a long sip of her tea.


"After our date last night when he dropped me off at home he broke up with me"

"Did he say why "

"Something like he thinks I deserve more and that he sees me more friend then girlfriend. "

"Are you okay"

"Honestly I don't know. Like I'm sad were over but I'm not as hurt as I should be but I'm still angry at him. I know we had problems but we cpuld have tryed more to work on those problems"

"Like how with couple's therapy"


"You and Jughead are 17 that is too yoing for couple's therapy if a relationship is that hard that young then maybe it's not worth it. Sorry if that hurts but maybe its better off like this"

"Are you siding with him"

"No im not saying that what un saying is that you do deserve more and that if a relationship that complicated is it worth it."

"Maybe your right but it still hurts"

"I know and it will hurt the end of any relationship hurts especially one where you were in love"
I look away and take a sip of tea. When the realisation that im sitting on the couch where me and Jughead madeout that the bed we slept together in wasnt far. I remember that night. If then Jughead would have broken up with Betty would things be different now. Would i have left Archie. Well too many what if.

"Is everything okay girls"
My dad walked in. Giving us a warry look.

"Everything is fine dad"

"Are you sure something looks like its upsetting you"

"It's nothing dad"

"Jughead dumped me"

"Oh that well don't be sad Betty Jughead us a loser"


He rolls his eyes

"Well he is look at him not only is he a Serpant who lives in a trailer park now he break up with Betty sounds like a loser"

"Dad can we please have some privacy please"

He nodds and  walks away

"Sorry about that "

"It's okay I know how much your dad and Jughead hate eachother"

"Yep they sure don't get along"
Thats another reason me and Jughead wont work. Just 1 year ago we hated eachother. Well i didn't hate Jughead but I did not like him and i know he hated me. How do you from hating someone to loving them. It is so complicated that it makes my head spin. I need to stay away from complicated.

"Veroinca are you you seem to have drifted off"

"Im fine"

"Okay well I need to go my mom just texted me that Polly is stoping over and wants me there."

"Okay tell her hi for me"

"Will do"

Betty leaves and I walk towards the kitchen when I over hear my dad arguing with someone over something business related. Lately ive been so worried that things are going to go bad again. I went through so much last time. Everyone hated me for what my parents were doing. I was so broken and all my friends were turing agents me. I would cry when nonone was around. I feel like that now if people knew what im going through. Well im not in a good place.

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now