Chapter 20, Peace

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I just got home from school and my dad starts talking about strategy and asking me how i think we can get the serpents to back down.

"Dad I told you I don't think I should go today"

"Why is that mi hija last time it was your idea and now this"

"I just don't see the point of me going can't you talk to fp and... Jughead by yourself"

"I don't get along with them i need you there as a buffer someone who can talk with both sides"

I sit down and take a deep breath. I can't tell him I don't want to go because it would be too painful to see and speak to Jughead with this awkwardness between us. I'm not over him yet i need more time more space. Till these feelings go away.

"mi hija please come it will better if you do "



She looks so beautiful. She has on that black dress that had a white collar. Such a simple beauty.

"Hello Jughead"
When she says my name it sends my heart skipping.

"Hello Veronica and Mr Lodge"
I look towards him so it doesn't look like I was staring at her.

"Hello Jughead and Fp"

"Come in"
I move to the side letting them both in the room.

We sit down. Veronica and Hiram sit in chairs while me and my dad sit on the couch. Were facing each other and Veronica keeps looking away I know she's trying not to look at me and I should not be looking at her.
My dad and Hiram go back in forth negotiating and every now and then me and Veronica speak. Sometimes putting something down and other times offering a counter.

Veronica speaks up again.
"I think what's best is that we make peace we can't keep having these fights. Look I think we should find some sorta common ground. "

"She's right Fp for the safety and best interests of others we need to find some common ground here"

"The Serpents feel like you taking away more of our land and they are afraid that they are going to lose their homes"
Fp says.

"Nobody will lose their home"
Veronica says and glances over at me.

"We are making things better around here for everyone but if you scared how about we sign an agreement as long as they pay their rent then nobody has to worry about losing their home"

This went on a little back in forth. Some yelling between Fp and Hiram and then I started yelling also.

"Stop it"
Veronica stood up and yelled cutting everyone off.

"Were all here to try and make some peace not start a war. Everyone needs to calm down and lets start over remember we need to make peace between all of us okay"
She sat back down and we all started over and began speaking more peacefully.

A little while later settlement was made and so they leff. When they were walking out I hoped that she would turn around just for a second I hoped it but she didn't and then they were gone.
I wish I would had some sort of alone time with her but I knew this was not the place and time.
When they left i went to my room , layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I have to get over this i can't keep feeling this way. If any of the serpents knew that Veronica Lodge had me feeling this way they'd be so pissed and who know what else. She's supposed to be my enemy serpents hate the Lodge's but not this one well not all of them. I do hate her dad but not Veronica she's not like her father.
My dad walks in the room.
"Hey Jug are you okay"

"Im fine dad"

"No your not now tell me what is wrong you can't keep it all bottled up "

"Dad it's nothing"

"Is it Betty"

"No "

"Are you sure she hasn't been around in so long and you hardly go out with her "

"Were fine"

"Stop Jughead im your dad talk to me did you and her get in a fight or something"

"We didn't get into a fight"

"Then what is it"

"Our relationship just isn't like it used to be but im okay with it"

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm not hurt over the fact that me and her have grown apart that I see her more as a friend than girlfriend but i'm not sad over that"

That's the first time i said that out loud actually it's the first time I realised that. I knew my feelings have changed but didn't realise I view Betty as a friend more than girlfriend. That's huge for me at one point Betty was like my whole world I was head over heels in love with her. I was shattered when we first broke up and overjoyed when we got back together. Now this.
I look over at me dad who looks shocked. I wonder what he is shocked about is it that i think of Betty as a friend or that I'm okay with it.

"Have you told her this , are you still together or are you all ready broken up"

"No , yes , no"


"No I have not told her that i view her more friend then girlfriend and yes we are together still"

"I don't wanna sound rude but why?"

"Why are we still together ?"
I say questionably


"Well because um i don't wanna hurt her feeling and we have been together for a long time me and Betty were a pair I guess "

"Do you love her"

"Yes i love her but not like I used to love her a part of me will always love her and I still care about her very much"

"Look son you need to be happy and you need to do what's right. I understand that you don't wanna hurt her feelings but is it worse to be with her and not love her the way she needs. You both need to find someone to love and have them love you back. In a relationship your feelings need to be equal. One should not outweigh the other."

" I understand I'll think it over"

He nodded and left the room. I
I let his words sink in and i think over them. I need to start making things right I really need to think over my emotions and what he said is true it's not fair to Betty as hard as it will be till I figure out my emotions maybe I should break up with her.


Thank you so much for reading and please like and share. Also what do you think will happen next ,how much longer will Jughead and Veronica be able to stay apart or will they get back together. Also what will happen with Betty and Jughead will they break up. Comment below what you think and what you would like to see happen next. Also Follow me so you can see what will happen next in The Right Kind Of Wrong. xoxo

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now