Chapter 33: Jughead, That Was Then

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I'm laying down in bed staring at the ceiling. My mind is all over the place. The last couple months have been like secret lovers dirty secret bliss. Sneaking around finding whatever time we can to be together. Mostly at my house as her parents have people always watching heres and I know that if her Dad ever caught us in bed togther he will kill me. No joke. Even if he just saw us kissing I think I would bw murdered. My Dad knows something is up but he dose not know what it is. I told him I will tell him in time and that it is nogthing he needs to worry about. So he has not given me any problems. I do not know how he will react. It could go any way . Maybe he will be happy for me and be supportive or he could be angry at me for falling for a Lodge even more for being a cheater. I hope he is supportive I really am going to need at least 1 person on my side because I know im going to have more people against us then for us. It is distroing the precious bughead. A ship that is supposed to be amazing and endgame people told me after our breakup but people drift apart. Well have you been in love. The kind of love where you can't sleep cant eat . Think about them constantly. Thats the kind of love I had with Betty but that faded over time and now I think of her as just a friend. We were so connected but now its like that was a lifetime a go it doesn't even feel like that was me with those feelings. It makes me so scared that that could happen again. I do not want to loose her I can not loose what me and Veroinca have. When everybody finds out about us will they tear us apart ? Will they judge us till we can not taks it anymore? I know that were not going to be let off easy. How could we after all we did cheat with eachothers partner with thier best friend. I hope Archie will forgive me. I don't wanna lose my best friend. I love Veronica and I'll just have to explain that to him in the right way. I am supposed to meet him later today and im nervous. I have to tell him the truth. I can not hide this any longer. He disereves to know about me and Veroinca and I do not want us to be a secret anymore. Veronica is going to tell Betty today also. We have talked it over and we do not want us to be some dirty little secret any longer we want to be a real couple who can go out on dates in public and not have to sneak around at night and hide in my room. I just got to figure out the right way to break the news. Do I wanna do it in private or public. Should I do it at school maybe after school by the field before he has practice and then he can blow off some steam. That might be the best way. I'll tell him that I need to talk to him later and to meet me before his practice starts. I jump up out of bed and throw my bag over my shoulder. Time to go start the day. I hope that this wont turn out bad.
Later at school it was just a normal day I tried to make it not obvious that something was up when I spoke to Archie about talking after school. He asked why can't we talk now but I said I'm busy and ruining late to class so I rushed off. I need to plain out what to say. I met up with Veronica at lunch and we snuck into the fabric room like usual. I told her my plain to meet Archie after school by the field and she agreed that it was a good plan. She said she is walking with Betty home after school and will tell her on the way but that might change. "I will tell her today I promise I just do not know how to yet". She let out a sigh "I am scared im going to loose my best friend". I wrapped my arms around her. "But at least ill have you". She told me looking up at me. "You will always have me Veroinca." Then we kissed but she pulled away. I am sorry but maybe we should wait till tonight after we tell them. I nodded "okay " then we just stayed there a couple more minutes in eachothers arms till it was time to go back out to school.
Now I am sitting in class and nervously waiting for the last bell. Do I just jump right into it and blurt out Veroinca and I are together. No thats not the best idea. I should probbly ease into it like Archie I have found someone who makes me so happy. That is the beter way to do it.

The bell rings and thats it school is now over I look over yo Veronica who looks nervous also. I give her a look letting her know that it will be okay. She nodds and walks out of class talking to another of her friends. I head out towards the field amd see Archie leaning near the bleachers talking to some other of the players. I get close to him and he looks over at me. " Hey Jughead still need to talk about something" I nodd . "okay.." he turns to his team mates " hey guys I'll meet you ovet there in a couple minutes okay" . They look ovet at me and give me a wired look but nodd at Archie and walk off. "So what up Jughead what do you need to talk about. "
I start to get even more nervous and nogthin comes out of my mouth. "Is everything alright"
" yeah ugh its just"
Dam why is this so hard
"Look Jughead im sorry but practice is going to start soon can this wait"
I don't think it just comes out.
"Veronica and I are together"
He looks so confused like someone just said the dumbest thing he has ever heard.
"Ugh what did you say"
I take a deep breath
"Veronica and I are together"

He looks even more confused now
"What are you saying"

I run a hand through my hair and look over at him. He looks like a lost puppy trying to find his way home.

" That Veronica and I are dating we are going to be together"
He still looks confused.
"Im sorry Archie but I really like Veronica and we are going to start dating"

I think he will start yelling or punch me but he doesn't he just stares at me then he starts laughing.

"What kind of joke was that Jug"

"It is not a joke I wanna date Veronica and I just wanted to let you know before we start dating"

That is when the laughter stops. It was like a light switch first he was laughing and in a instant darkness. He looks angry no he looks pissed off. I have seen this look before when he was beyond angry but now there is a twist in his expression. He isn't just angry there is something else there. I think he will punch me or scream bloody murder at me but he doesn't insted he just walks away.
I know it's dumb but i call after him.
"I'm sorry Archie"
He stops in his tracks and turns back to me.

"I don't understand this I have no clue what's going on right now but don't talk to me and don't act like you are sorry"

"I am sorry I don't know how it happend but i developed feelings for her"

He laughs
"Feelings wow Jug you know what I would not be anywhere near me right now okay don't talk to me don't come near me. And this part will be easy for you don't act like I exist"

"I will give you some space but i can't act like you don't exist come on your my best friend"

"That was then you were my best friend now your just the guy who stole my girlfriend"

He walks away and you could just feel the anger around him. I can't blame him and I know i need to give him some space. I hope he will forgive me he has been my best friend for so long. I start to walk away. If he knew the whole story he probably would have beaten me to a pulp but I had to tell him. I can not keep Veronica and I a secret anymore I wanna be with her out in the open. I just hope things went well with Betty and Veroinca.

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The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now