Chapter 13 : First Date Part 2

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Veronica  had the table set so nice and even had candles out.

" What do you think of it"
She says while putting the flowers in a vase.

"I love it".

"I'm glad "
She set the vase on the coffee table. She looked nervous. I step towards her.

" Are you okay Veronica"

She looks at me and smiles

"Yeah I'm fine"

I look at her and give her a look saying what's wrong and she sighs.

"I am fine but it is just a little wired Like I know I wanna date you and I have these feeling for you but in the back of my mind it like you Jughead the guy I barely spoke to sophomore year unless it had to do with Archie Jughead Betty's Jughead the Jughead that I told her was right for her . I told her I shipped you both but now "

"But what"?

"But now you well The Jughead who makes me feel better the Jughead I love talking to the Jughead I wanna call my Jughead . "

I smile and then she smiles.

"I know it's not the best of thing to say but I am happy if that makes since. Well I wanna be your Jughead I starting to fall for you but if you wanna call off the date before this goes further I understand"

"Is that what you want"

I walk close to her and put a piece of hair behind her ear

"No its not"

I then lean in and kiss her .
It was a sweet soft kiss.

"What do you want "
I ask her

She kisses me again and its like its only us no drama so Archie or betty or annoying parents just us.

She smiles and leads me to the table

"Well then shall we get this date started"


As I sat down she took out of the microwave two plays of fish .

"I was told that if you keep plates of food in the microwave that they stay warmer then if it were just set on the table "

"Dose that work"?

" I guess we will see "

Next she pours some wine into the glass on the table but her phone rings and she spills it on the table


She grabs a rag and starts trying to clean it and I try to help but she says that is is okay and she will clean it.
Then her phone rings again but the oven timer goes off.

"Dam it "
She opens the oven door and some smoke comes out. She turns of the oven and waves a mitten over it trying to calm the smoke . I get up to help her .

"There goes the cookies. How did I burn pre-made cookies all I had to do was heat them I didn't need to mix it just cook it at 350 ° for. 15 minutes. "

I see a rapper by the stove and read it.

"I don't wanna upset you but it says 5 minutes not 15"

She sits and puts her head in the table

"This date went from sweet to disaster quickly "

I kneel besides her .

"It is not a disaster "

" I spilled wine all I burnt the cookies and I couldn't even try to cook dinner the fish is bought at a restaurant i just put it on a plate I can plan a perfect first date I can't plan much I can't do much for myself I'm not like Betty I cant clean and cook and be a good girlfriend "

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ