Chapter 31: Valentine's Day , Part 1

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It's been a few weeks since Veronica broke up with Archie and things have been good. Right now it's lunchtime and were all just sitting down at the lunch table talking but i'm not paying much attention. I look at Veronica who smiles at me before going back to talking to Betty. It's been a few months now so me and Betty are on good terms but Veronica and Archie barely speak. Me and Veronica on the other hand have been really good. We have been sneaking away during school to makeout and finding any spare time we have to see if we can be alone together.  Archie seems to be doing better he isn't complaining about everything and he's not as mad. Anything would make him mad and he'd get angry over the smallest stuff like someone bumping into him in the hall or couples laughing together. He seems good today. He hasn't gotten mad at anyone but i also see the way he looks at Veronica it's in the eyes. You can see that he isn't over her. I didn't think he would be after only a few weeks but I hoped. Anyways it's wired he is been so cool and calm the last couple days because today is Valentine's Day and like they say love is in the air. Couples are paired up everywhere even people who aren't together get together for this one day. I don't like Valentine's day it's dumb and just made up to sell stuff. Do we need a holiday to tell someone we love them.  When I was with Betty she loved Valentine's day so i always had to do something it was just like the usual restaurant and some gift i'd get her like a teddy bear or some kind of stuffed animal and a box of chocolates but i'm not sure if Veronica is like that. I know for her Archie would do a lot. He would take her to a nice restaurant , write her a song and sing to her and he would also get her a gift i think last year he gave her a nice bracelet and he would always get her flowers. I'm not like that i'm not a romantic guy and i don't go out of my way for Valentine's day. I wonder if that is the kind of guy she wants for days like this. I'm not sure even if im supposed to be doing something for her today as yes we are a couple but we also aren't. We like eachother and have agreed on only seeing each other like a couple but we don't go out and do stuff or even tell anyone that we like each other. We have to sneak away to do stuff together. Luckily her parents are away a lot so we spend a lot of time at her place sometimes mine but my dad is there a lot. I look around the room and everyone is sitting close together arms are draped around each other then you see the single people who look annoyed by it all. Valentines day sucks. I've never liked the so called holiday it's made just to sell stuff there's no real point to it.
I see Veroinca walking down the hall. Wow shes beautiful. She has on a red dress that stops just before her knees and black heals. Shes verry dressed up for school but that's how Veronica is she loves to dress up nice and always look her best. I love how she feel like she doesn't have to look her best around me. When we spend time alone togther she usally just wears comfy clothes like sweats , t shirts , and pajamas. It feels so good to know that she is her most comfortable with me.
She walks towards me and I try to hide my smile.

"Hey Jughead"
She says with a shibe in her eye very happy.

"Hey Veronica "
I tugg on my backpack strap a little

"So Veronica you look really nice"

"Do you think it's too much for school"

"Maybe if someone eles dressed up like that but on you it looks perfect you can pull off fancy in school"

She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and looks like shes going to blush

"I like to dress up for holidays"

"If you consider Valentines day a holiday"

"It is so a holiday"

"How ?"

"It's a day to remember love and how great it is"

"Love is great"

She looks away

"Um so I should get to my next class"

"Yeah i should also"

She walks away but turns around. She looks like she starts to walk back for a moment but changed her mine and kept walking the other way. Did i make that awkward. I probably did. Why did I say that its not like we are in love. Are we?
Im not sure about that. I like her so much but I can't say love yet.

It's hard to focus in art class. I keep look at Jughead. I hope people can't tell I am. Its been in my head all day. It's Valentine's day the day for couples and I keep think are we a couple are we not. Then there is that love thing. I think I might love him and if I do than do I tell him. I look down at my paper. Were supposed to draw something to do with Valentine's day as a special assignment for today and tomorrow we can finnish the projects we've been working on. My drawing is a heart. It not very detailed its jus a simple heart ive been tracing if a heart over and over. I can't get him off my mind. I look over at him. He is wearing headphones and looking down drawing. I look back towarss my paper a d I notice thag I drew a J on it. I didn't even realise I did it . I try to cover it up drawing a heart and shading it in over it. It sorta covers it up but you can still kinda tell there was a J under it. I look at the paper and it looks like a mess. I can't turn this in. I go to tross it in the trash when the bell rings. Where did the time go? Well I guess now I have to turn this in. I walk over and set it on the desk along with the other stack of papers.

"Sorry it's not my best work my head just wasn't here today"
He looks at it.

"So is this how you feel about your heart"

"I don't understand"

"Well it seems like this is how you feel right now that maybe yohr heart is all over the place and a mess"

I looked confused and shocked at his words.
"Yeah I guess I am . I ug haven't really thought of it like that but it fits"

"Well then you get a b well b- on it"

"Thank you but why it looks messey theres scribbled hearts all of it and well its not my best or even good"

"But is it how you feel when you were working on it were you thinking of Valentine's Day"

"Um sorta well not so much Valentine's day but the idea and well my heart"
And Jughead but he doesn't need to know that.

"Well then you followed the assignment so you get a b-  it may not be ypur best but its true to how you feel and art is all about expressing yourself in your work."

I nod and begin to walk away to my desk


"I recommend you try and get your heart figured out. Relationships are messey and complicated but it can be fixed and its better for you if you fix them"

I grab my backpack
"Thank you ill try"
Then i head out the door.

My phone rings. It's a text from. Jughead.
"Do you wanna do something tonight"
Im shocked I didn't think that he would wanna do anything today. Were not officially a couple and i know he hates this holiday.
"Yeah that would be nice"
I stare at my phone waiting for his response. Then when he dose I can't help but smile.
"Let's do something at my house I can pick you up at 7"

"Its a date"
I hold my phone close to me and smile. Me and Jughead have a valentines date. I can't wait

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The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now